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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Yup usually when hard starting after they sit overnight = a fuel line leak or return line leak..
  2. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    Don’t forget Senators and Congressmen and all there buddy’s with investments in this chit..
  3. The way I’ve done this with a fat bicycle tube is just cut a two foot length of tube with the valve in,clamp one end tight and clamp the other end over the tank fill,air it up..
  4. The info and video I posted is for drum brakes,don’t know anything about disk brakes so I’m out,good luck..
  5. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    Well that sucks..
  6. Looking at your picture I’ve never seen them cut that short,ther is a correct way to set them up,that doesn’t look right to me..
  7. Why cage them,I just cut them?
  8. Swap them all out and be done with it..
  9. He needs a triple counter shaft transmission like a 5 or 6 or 12 speed,not sure what other trans has triple countershaft..
  10. That engine has all the power in the lower rpm range all the way down to 1200,that’s when they really pull,1200 to 1400..
  11. No I bought it from the original owner in New Jersey,I forget what the ratio is maybe 5.07 I have the build sheet here somewhere,great truck,u can feel the bumps but the cab is super quiet and she runs out smooth as silk..
  12. 20 front 20 drop axle and 58 rears,e-7 350/12 speed,short wheel base with a 15 foot aluminum city cobra dump body,she’s a tough somabitch ,I have a 79000 down state permit on it..
  13. Nice work wit the camera,thanks for posting..
  14. So is that a 237 maxidyne,if so those engines have some serious balls ..
  15. These new trucks are like rocket ships,600-700 hp automatic Transmission,they just put the pedal to the floor and go like a bat out of hell,crazy..
  16. Heck yeah I got a good gig going, working for the same co for the past eight years,every day minus the winter months..
  17. Nope nice in easy,I get paid by the hour..😏
  18. Also there’s a big difference between the 1100 and 1200,completely different tread and these tires are huge compared to the rest even bigger then the Roadmaster,but we’ll see how they wear..
  19. Yeah they look really good,definitely the the biggest 12-24.5 I’ve ever bought,it’s amazing the difference in size of some of these tires,these stand over 44 inches high..
  20. Ended up going wit Double Coin 12-24.5, every thing is priced way up there and these are not cheep as well but best bang for the buck, I hope,they look really good but time will tell..
  21. I think someone should start a new thread,The Retirement Club..lol
  22. Your ss went down 4,800 a year?Why,did they tell you,I don’t know of anybody else that took a cut..
  23. I’ve been getting them for years,I think u can subscribe on line,it’s still free..
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