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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. I read somewhere online the gulf refineries are shipping most of the diesel to Europe and where running out,that’s some chit 🤷‍♂️
  2. Might change for the better or worse?😤
  3. you got a good deal,nobody here is under 6..
  4. Agree will just keep upping my rates that’s what most companies are doing around here..
  5. Yup and not a peep on the news tonight about these incredible fuel prices..
  6. That’s awesome..
  7. Cheapest diesel here on Long Island NY is now 6 bucks,some stations are up to 6.79 and I’m sure the rest will follow,how high can it go and why?
  8. Right now it’s costing me over a thousand a week for fuel in my dump truck,anybody have a formula for a fuel surcharge,no way I can absorb this cost..
  9. Just paid 5.80 a gallon what the heck is going on,gas is not increasing but diesel is going up 20 to 30 cents a day,any body have a clue ?
  10. If you can snap a few photos of them doing the job,it would be interesting to see..
  11. New is the way to go especially if the bushings were worn all the way thru,have to measure the bar also to see if it’s within spec..
  12. What did the bushings look like,were they worn all the way thru?
  13. 1996 and up must have automatic slacks right?
  14. Try Iowa80,but there a bit pricy..
  15. I broke down and bought this mower five years ago and never looked back,built to near commercial specs,installed the mulching kit and haven’t raked a leaf since and let me tell you I have a chit load of leaves every fall,it just pulverize them,awesome machine..
  16. Just looking online,looks like they are in fact making the Roadmaster in China,still an American Co but manufacturing there product in China..
  17. Not so sure about that,cooper is an American Co. they may be making some tires in China but not sure,I ran three set of the Roadmaster s and they lasted just as long as the continentals you just bought,I like the continental a lot there a nice wide tire especially for the steer axel,could you share where u bought them,that’s an awesome price..
  18. You paid 532 a piece,I just got two 12/24.5 delivered for 1500 they were 654 + tax + fet tax + 20 delivery,not at all happy with the price but I needed them for steer tires now..😤
  19. I don’t miss those big ars tube tires one bit..lol
  20. Ya get what ya pay for right,there to pricy for me and the kind of work I do..
  21. Lol,we have one ridiculous bad concrete rd here,other then that no problem,it’s all short haul work..
  22. Wow I never even priced Michelin,doubt they even make a 12/24.5 but that’s an amazing difference in mileage..
  23. Wow,that’s a lot of miles in a dump truck,right now I’m doing 120 to 200 miles a day and that’s enough for me..lol. I’ll be 71 in August..
  24. Damn you guys do some trucking out there,I’m running about 25000 miles a year,well 9 months in the year..
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