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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. That’s strange,I wore out three set of Roadmaster tires front and drive and got over 50000 each set and no issues what so ever and my truck is a short wheel base..
  2. I wasn’t sure where they ar made but I like them,I was buying them on line from simple tire,last week they were 600 for 12/24.5 and now almost 700,trying to contact them to get a good deal,I’ve been getting 50,000 + miles out of them witch I think is pretty darn good on a dump truck,they were delivered free to my door..
  3. I run 12/24.5 all around on my dump,never had one problem with the cooper Roadmaster front or drive,I think there made in China like the Double coin🤷‍♂️
  4. Anybody running Double Coin tires, i’ve been using Cooper Roadmaster but damn they jacked up the price now,like everything else?
  5. Last brake job on this truck about four years ago,shoes were about 60 each and drums were 150 each,there probably double that now,will find out soon,I remember the bolt on shoes in the past but there all riveted now unless you have a set of your own I guess u can still buy pads,the core charge is 250 per shoe if your own shoes are damaged,you also have to buy the bolt kit for the drums and the brake kit with springs pins and bushings,and new s cams if needed and seals,gets very pricy..
  6. My problem may have been different not sure but when I started it cold it would race up and then come back to normal,it was getting worse every time I started it,I would pull the back cover and have a look..
  7. That happened to one of my trucks years back tho much older and not a four valve,it was the governor at fault,I remember taking the back off the pump and replacing something round,lol..
  8. Getting ready to do a complete brake job on the drive axles on my 96 cl with 58 rears,anybody price parts lately for drums and the big re-lined shoes,just want to get myself ready for sticker shock..lol
  9. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    That is awesome,you should take it to The Shark Tank..
  10. That’s amazing you guys did that job in two hours,awesome when every goes as planed and you know what your doing..
  11. Rick,you should start soaking the bolts on the insulator pads with penetrating oil now..
  12. The bar on 44 rears is part of the stand,not removable..
  13. Agree one hundred percent,on a side note do u know if they make oversized bushings to compensate for a worn trunnion bar,just a thought..
  14. That would be the way to go if u got the bucks to throw at it, take it apart and see what the bar looks like,you’ll have to measure it and see if it’s within spec or at least close..
  15. Yeah u can do it it’s not brain surgery,lol,just be careful make sure u support the truck properly and have at it,let’s us know what u find when u get it apart,good luck..
  16. That’s the truth,and the reason I say if in doubt go with all new parts but I forgot the trunnion bar is not removable like on the 58, that could be a real cost factor if it’s shot..
  17. Yes but if your seeing the rears walking out bad no sense might as well rebuild it if u have the bucks to do it right..
  18. He could do that,I just think he should check the actual movement of the springs,see how much the rears are walking out,if it’s just slight he could just keep on hauling.
  19. To check,back the truck up while turning hard one way and then the other look to see if the wheel are moving out of line,they should stay perfectly straight or you can jack it up under the trunnion bar on one side and get a big bar in between the spring and the frame rail and pry it outward to check for movement..
  20. Yes that’s correct,only bronze,once u get it apart and inspect the bushings if there worn all the way thru then the bar and the saddle will have wear since they were contacting each other,new saddles come with the bushings already pressed in,you might want to check out Stengel bros on line and u can price every thing out,I think they have the best prices ..
  21. There is no such thing as polyurethane bushings to replace bronze,you have that confused with the pads,just a heads up if your bronze bushings are completely worn thru,u will most likely need to replace the bar and the saddles or it won’t be 100 percent,big expensive job,are u thinking of doing this yourself,I would not advise it..
  22. If there’s no fluid leaking out of the cylinder it’s good,no repacking needed,body stays up till u move the lever that opens the valve and lets the fluid drain out and back into the tank..
  23. Here on Long Island most are at 5 bucks for diesel..
  24. Hell we can’t even put a part on the counter at our Mack dealer,COVID rules..lol😂
  25. There’s no rust in that frame,you can tell by the picture of the end of the frame,perfectly clean,that whole truck looks immaculate..
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