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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Yeah I guess there the wide rims for the big float tires like the ones in the picture Hayseed posted,and yeah I use rustolium mag wheel paint in the rattle cans,holds up great..
  2. You know what your talking about😏
  3. I’d be afraid to even mount them on the spokes..lol
  4. Is that what u have on your truck in your avatar,looks the same?
  5. Well normally the the outside of the rim fits flush with the outside of the spoke,this looks like the inside of the rim is flush with the outside of the spoke, but how?
  6. A little strange the way the front rims are attached to the spokes tho,at least to me..
  7. Wow, check out those wheels,beautiful as is the whole truck..
  8. That sucks,probably nothing serious,plugged fuel filters or something minor,but who knows,a good place to look for trucks is The Truck Paper,you can view it on line and refine your search to what your looking for,price range, year, location,etc..good luck..
  9. Just a thought,are u sure it’s the side cover leaking,while u have it off there’s a couple bolts in there that might be loose,they hold the carrier to the housing,might as well check them while the cover is off,pretty common cause for a leak..
  10. Those dumps have seen better days that’s for sure,the old RD is a rust bucket and has a 6000 dollar opening bid,wth..
  11. In the add it says 44 rears and 18 front,that’s thousands,that’s 62000 gross weight,truck weighs 27000 empty + or -, legal. net weight is around 35000 or 17.5 tons, I’ve been dump trucking a long time and just gonna give u a heads up,that truck is way over priced,25 to 27000 would be about right,good luck..
  12. 25 to 26+ tons easily,but that would put you way over the MGVW of that truck,just my two cents but that truck is not set up right,needs 58000 rears or a drop axle..
  13. Just wondering what size dump are you talking about,6/w,10/w,what size is the body?12 to 14000 front end is way to light for a heavy dump truck..
  14. Forget about doing it yourself,call a spring shop,they will give u a price to re bush with new pins over the phone,if u don’t have the bucks then keep on hauling,it’s not gonna brake anytime soon,when u get the bucks get it fixed…
  15. I would say there should be one of these wheel adjusters,is there a slot on the face of the drum where you would insert a brake adjuster tool,that how it was on my 70 DM 800?
  16. They are reusable hose ends,buy some hose and make them up yourself.
  17. Looks clean,the body is a little to short,needs another six inches..
  18. That’s a beauty,do you have the big rubber on that,24” tube type?
  19. A 24 year old kid comes to the USA from Cuba,here on a green card,can’t speak English or understand English can’t even read a road sign yet he secured a class one CDL and gets a job, fast forward he’s driving down a steep grade on on i70 in Colorado with a swinging load of lumber without a clue how to keep the truck under control,ends up killing four people and injuring many more,now he goes to jail for the rest of his life, what do you guys think?
  20. Damn that sucks,hope you get past this and feel better..🙏🏻
  21. Can you run the truck without it or will it shut itself down or worse?
  22. A quiet truck is all about cab isolation,that’s why the newer trucks are so quiet,their sitting on those huge air bags and the big rubber front mounts..
  23. It’s really insane,the price for one turn stop signal lamp with the plug,not the pigtail type,list was 175 and change,the discount price out the door was 117 + tax, what the hell are they doing,that’s beyond ridiculous..
  24. Any body want to take a guess what the Mack dealer gets for one of these,or should I say wants to get..lol
  25. I ordered the kit and will install the correct o rings,it’s a simple job,might as well do it right..
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