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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. You know he’s just kidding with ya right..🤔😂
  2. Stengel Bros will be able to help u out with new springs,just need the vin number,new springs are the way to go,don’t waste your money replacing one leaf..
  3. There is a rebuild kit but don’t get it from Mack,PAI has one way cheaper I don’t have the part # handy,someone will chime in with it..
  4. Just my 2 cents,the old fixed fans suck,they increase the noise level in the cab by a lot and they rob the engine of a significant amount of power..
  5. So what’s the best way to clean it?
  6. Don’t mind at all,even trade for all the help I’ve gotten from you..
  7. Shut the the valve at the bottom of the tank if u have one..
  8. Get a piece of bicycle tube with the valve in it,clamp one end tight clamp the other end around the fuel tank fill,air it up and leave it for a while,if there’s a leak you’ll find it..
  9. My fix was the plastic return line to the front of the head..
  10. I thought 85-90 was the go to lube,that’s what I always used in 6 speed,quad box and now a 12 speed?
  11. You only need one hand,trust me ,u can do it,get the slot on the shaft on the passenger side at two o’clock,get the marked tang in that slot then loop it over,close it and then step on the clutch hard to push the button in..
  12. I would keep the big brakes,more stoping power and they last longer..
  13. How do you get your truck in gear without engaging the clutch brake?
  14. Should tell u on the brake what tang goes in the slot first,it’s a pain but not that hard at all..
  15. My 96 runs at 180 on the dot…
  16. A quick way to check,when engine is cold you should be Able to spin the fan pretty easy..
  17. Can u post a picture or two ?
  18. Just two screws to the switch,I’ll get some pictures tomorrow, thanks.
  19. I found a little time to mess with it,now I’m more confused than ever,Dash switch has voltage and works fine,clutch switch has voltage so I jumped the wires to by pass the switch,now down at the pump switch I get voltage on the one wire when the throttle is opened and when closed it shuts the voltage off,to further confuse me the two wires going to the heads are grounded,how do you get voltage thru grounded wires?
  20. Jack it up and see if the wheels turn..🤷‍♂️
  21. Beautiful truck,doesn’t look to rusty to me..🤷‍♂️
  22. Congrats Other Dog, enjoy your freedom from work,I hope to be joining that club very soon also..
  23. Cool vid,interesting..
  24. It’s a Dynatard on a 1996 e-7 mechanical engine.
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