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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. I have an aluminum bed,the floor is gonna need attention,do all shoot work thinking the asphalt will slide out better,to often I have to raise the bed to high to my likening to get it to flow out the shoots.
  2. Any of you dump truckers that haul asphalt using a bed liner,what make,how to install and how do the work?
  3. There's no way the manufacturer gvwr on that truck is 80,000 lbs..
  4. You can't gross any more than your tires are rated for,also he talking about air ride...
  5. That truck should be a triple frame with that suspension..
  6. Thanks..
  7. It's a 96,would it have one?
  8. My tachometer is whacked out,any one know where the sensor is located?
  9. Haha,that's a little to far from Long Island NY..lol
  10. Are you saying it's slipping on the splined shaft that comes out of the top of the steering box?
  11. Starting about ten years ago Kenworth was all the rage,in my opinion it was all about driver comfort and nothing else,now Mack makes a comparable cab as far as comfort goes and they seam to making a huge comeback around here n NY,most of the dump truck companies are buying Mack again,take a close look at ten or twelve year old Mack vs Kenworth,that should help u decide,my 23year old Mack cl factory dump still looks and drives amazin,I worked almost every day this year and not one break down that put it out of service try that with a kenworth new or old,not gonna happen..
  12. That's some darn nice work..
  13. I've used roof flashing inside the cab,way cheaper than dynamat and the same effect,you can double layer it if you want,hit it with a heat gun or hair dryer,excellent sound deadening with no odors..
  14. I don't know about new trucks but was told by a very good mechanic the older engines will run 90 degrees above ambient temperature.
  15. I'd like to run it loaded down the LIE past 66 (dot) ..lol
  16. Lol,I don't mean the whole rail just along the top and bottom where the salt and moisture gets in between them,was thinking that would seal them up better than paint or undercoating..
  17. I didn't know they cost that much,shop that works on my truck said he could replace my rails for ten thousand installed,to late to take mine apart,23 years in NY and plowing snow takes its toll..
  18. Hey MT,would you recomend using this on double frame rails to help stop rust and spreading,how long does it stay tacky?
  19. If your gonna take it apart why not just install new rails?
  20. Saw one yesterday in truck & trailer magazine,looked good for 3500..
  21. We used to check for air leaks by spraying starting fluid on the hoses and charge air cooler while the engine at idle..
  22. Guessing there's no need for traffic control,not even cones..
  23. I have one,there awesome..
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