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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. As far as I know there the original springs,20,000 lb,there are no cracked or broken leaf and I'm sure the pins and bushings are original also
  2. Any body replace there own pins and bushings,these are the screw in type on a 96 Mack,pins shouldn't be a problem but the bushings look to be another story,looks like a job for a professional ?
  3. Well one thing about a set back axle it gives the truck a heck of a bounce when u hit a sharp dip in the road like on a concert road where a slap dropped down,thinking this might eliminate that or at the least help quite a bit.
  4. Yeah I figured that,not much one can do on a short wheel base and set back axle with 58 rears 20 front and drop axle..lol
  5. Any body ever try the Timbren suspension on the front,air bag or the hollow rubber type,the roads are getting worse here every day and my CL is getting the shit pounded out of it,and me along with it? I'm sure I rember a few seconds years back someone on here installed the air bags on the front of there CL but I can't find it now..
  6. That's a lot of rubber on the road..
  7. That's one ugly truck..
  8. If your talking about the cap that's welded to the bar it's supposed to be there and there is no oil just Greece.
  9. Well if the 02 has blow by when it's cold it's gonna be a whole lot worse when your working it,I would favor the granit,it's a much nicer truck to drive to in my opinion..
  10. Thanks will will be at the dealer this weekend..
  11. Are they still available from Mack or any where else,for a 96 ?
  12. Thanks for the info,gonna check it out tomorrow
  13. Bet it rides better than my cl with 58 rears..lol
  14. So on a truck with 250000 miles what should I look for as far as wear,looking at an 06 kenworth tomorrow,owner says he loves it and it rides great?
  15. Any body here running haulmaxx suspension on a triaxle dump,what's the good bad and the ugly?
  16. According to Mack you do more harm then good by un necessary air filter changes,just passing it along..
  17. Your wasting your time and money,don't change the air filter until the restriction gage is in the red..
  18. Also bushings in the rail housing are probably worn out,might have to have some made..
  19. You may have to replace the bar and saddles also..
  20. Ok got ya,I only worked on 58 rears where the bar is held on with trunnion caps..good luck.
  21. Why couldn't you just install new trunnion bar and bushings?
  22. I had a 1983 RD with a 300+ all air..
  23. MACKS


    Order a few Baccarat Rothschild next time,nice mild smoke for us accasionel smokers..
  24. MACKS


    I don't smoke that much but these are are pretty good, Baccarat Rothschild,nice mild smoke for when I just want to sit back and relax,usually out in the garage or on the back deck,anybody else..
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