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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Thanks for info,I'm looking at a 15 ft,perfect fit for my truck might as well go wth the heaver steel,my buddy has the lighter one but he put a liner in it,thanks again.
  2. Anybody have a Brandon dump body? looking at them but not sure how heavy (thickness of 450 brinell steel to go with) They offer a fha body with 3/16 floor and 5/32 sides and a fhd body with1/4 inch floor and 3/16 sides, I haul mostly dirt and asphalt but occasionally concert and broken asphalt.The difference in price is. Couple thousand+.
  3. Most dumps should have two feet of over hang from the back of the tire to the rear of the bed with the hinge mounted close to the end of the frame,so you really don't want or need much frame past the rear most tire .
  4. One good outcome is your oil will stay cleaner longer..
  5. Find the adjusting bolt on the face of the pressure plate,with the. Peddle depressed push n on the locking ring with a 5/8 box wrench and turn the bolt clockwise for more free pedal.Very important to measure inbeetween the clutch brake and the throw out bearing,has to be 1/2 to 9/16 inch. Do a search on here some has the whole procedure outlined.
  6. Great news,congrats..
  7. The idea is to make money so keep the truck u have in my opinion,that's why I added the drop to my CL when the weight laws changed,58 rears n all,gets the job done with ease,my buddy did the same and his truck is an 85 RD,we got the toughest trucks around lol and we work almost ever day..Good luck and keep us posted.
  8. Can you add a steerable lift axle in front of the tandems and use a 14-15 foot body with 60" sides,my truck only has a 14.5 body with 5' sides and I can Easley put 24 tons of asphalt,I added a 20,00 steerable lift in front of 58 rears,it was tight but it fit. But I'm in down state ny,with my grandfathered permit I only need 16' of wheel base with the right axle and tire ratings I can gross 79,000!
  9. I've had a bag fuel line that didn't leak whin running but let the fuel drain down when not,just crack open a line before starting to see if that's the problem then go from there. I've fixed a lot of things that weren't broke in my days. lol
  10. A tiny pln hole in a fuel line would let the fuel drain back.
  11. I would first verifie that lack of fuel is the problem,before u start it after a few days sitting crack a line at the pump and while someone cranks it over see if you have fuel.
  12. Ok just found out why the difference in cost,the clutch from Mack comes with an installation kit,new input shaft,with bearing and updated cover,pilot bearing,clutch brake,cross shaft bearings,not sure hat else,si I will stick with this one and replace all those wearable parts,goes in next week..
  13. Should be very useable,here is my idea as of now,I'd make a pipe frame like yours,it will attach and privet under the rear axle,it will extend rearward and I will fab up the ends as to attach to the two hyd arms eliminating any cable hook ups,I also have a home made weight made from a thirty gallon drum filled with concrete that attaches to the hyd arms also,my thinking with this weight on when I lower the arms it will raise the plow I'll need a light weight plow and will also fabricate something for the front axle to prevent side to side movement.What do you guys think?Also this way allow me to apply some down pressure on the plow for back blading..
  14. Ok thanks that's what kid was thinking,makes more sense that way.
  15. So does the whole frame move to raise the plow,looks like the plow is hard bolted to it?
  16. Thanks for the input everyone..
  17. That looks awesome,do you have any more close up pictures?
  18. Good ideas,surprised they never made a front plow for these tractors.
  19. No hyd,so was thinking of a 12 volt set up but the cable sounds interesting,I'll search the web see what I could find.
  20. I have a small Fergerson tractor think it's a m3 1954 or so,I would like to mount a light weight snow plow on the front,looking for ideas and pictures on how to do it,anybody done this?
  21. Wow that's quite a difference in price,I looked right on his computer it listed for 1400 and change,they sold it to me for 1100. Just checked the box, part # 208925-91,1650 max torque, guess i should have shopped around..
  22. Part #20892591 Eaton easy pedal,brand new not a reman I think 1650 ft pounds.
  23. Thanks for the info, I wanted to go with new, it gets a workout dong trench work everyday, they came down to 1100, still pricey.
  24. Wow its been a long time since I bought a clutch..$$$$$ Mack dealer says around 1400 out the door😬
  25. Florida has to be running at least 80% macks from what I saw last year,I'm talking about dump trucks,not sure about dump trailers tho and they appear to be almost all company owned,not to many owner operators..
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