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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. I to think dirty fuel tanks,can u possibly find a used clean tank for cheep just run it home on one tank?
  2. The four valve is not a maxidyne,I’m thinking it is and that’s the one I would put my money into..
  3. Those double sheets of 1/2 inch are heavy..
  4. Could it just be losing the prime,leaking return line maybe..
  5. Every tire shop I’ve been to would hit the rim with a sledge mostly on the light side while inflating to insure the lock rings were set correctly,I’m not ,saying it’s the right thing to do but I’ve seen a a lot,I have tubeless tires now so thankfully don’t have to mess with them anymore,Stay Safe..
  6. Just my 2cent,but that all depends on the condition of the rim and the lock rings,rust is the culprit and will keep them from seating correctly..New of a guy working the landfill,inflating a three piece rim,whacked it with a sledge,the ring blew off hit him between the eyes,last thing he ever saw,killed on the spot..
  7. Ok I’m not talking about split rims since in this day and age they are beyond rare,but for tube type two piece and three piece rims it would be in your best interest to deflate before removal and only fully inflate after installing on the truck..just my 2cent.. safety first..
  8. Sounds like a good gig,good luck..
  9. I would check the fan first,before u start the truck and when cold the fan should be easy to turn and after the truck is hot check to see if it’s locked up,possibly it’s not fully locking up..
  10. I read somewhere a diesel engine should run around 100 degrees of ambient temperature..
  11. I have a good heavy duty plug kit and a can of starting fluid,that’s what I love about tubeless tires..🤔🤣
  12. I can’t say I have ever saw anything but spoke wheels on 58000 rears,I have 58000 on my cl and run 12R24.5 rubber,what’s the reason for trying to swap it out if you don’t mind me asking?
  13. Sleepy Joe said he has travelled across that bridge many times both by car and train….🤔🤣
  14. Wow that’s awesome..
  15. I don’t know of anybody using anything but pai kits when doing a rebuild,I’ve done three In frames myself and never a problem..
  16. We used to run straight 40 in our older engines for better oil pressure..
  17. Ok last post on this,don’t want to beat a dead horse,lol,but now I found for a type 24 can there is a short stroke,long stroke and an extra long stroke,who knew..lol
  18. Hmmm,my air line ports are round,the tag says 2 1/2 inch stroke,I thought that was a long stroke but now I found out a long stroke type 24 can has 3.38 inch stroke,now I want to swap them out if I can..🤷‍♂️
  19. I’ll take a look later..
  20. I have the type 24 long stroke on the front of my cl, can they be identified by square air line ports also,can’t remember off hand what they look like,they do have a plastic tag attached saying 2 1/2 inch stroke witch is long on the front axle..
  21. Must be nice to have a new truck with all disc brakes,I guess it eliminates a lot of the hardware we have to deal with on drum brakes..
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