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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Prayers on the way,good luck..
  2. Same as the one in my CL and its stock.
  3. Thanks guys,yeah the kits are pricey,I already suggested to him to look for a repair shop that could fabricate something up and install.
  4. A friend of mine is looking for a electric wiper conversion kit for his 1988 RD,anybody body have or know where to get at a decent price,Thanks..
  5. Yup thats what I did to every 12 I had,looks like you need to make the bend near top,might have to remove the shift knob and air lines before heating.
  6. The driver and passenger look like they could be the original owners,lol She could use new side boards for sure,pretty cool vid tho!
  7. Thanks that looks awesome,is that a 13 inch?
  8. Any body have a drop visor on there cl or ch?thinking of getting one but not sure witch one,looks like the 13 inch is the standard size and do they install in the existing mounting holes?
  9. Yeah I guess he doesn't like the smell of leather..lol
  10. Sure does,different bumper!
  11. This was parked in front of my house for a bit today,damn are they nice,not that Im gonna run out and buy one but would this go for with a good quality dump ox on it? So damn nice.
  12. There is only one plug to check,make sure your checking from the right one,should be the furthest to the back of trans on passenger side.
  13. Looking for a nice grill for my cl,don't want another cheep plastic grill like the one it came with but a nice chrome one,I searched on line and come up empty,anybody have anything or know where I can get one,Thanks
  14. All depends on what type of roads these trucks will be plowing,wing plows are only good for interstate hwy where there are no cars parked on the side of the roads.
  15. Seriously tho,what if if one of them so called expert truck inspectors get hurt while under your truck,like maybe get his fingers stuck and busted up in a slack adjuster if you so happen to step on the brake at the wrong time..wonder if they can sue your ars, or if they are armed maybe they can just shot you with there good hand!!
  16. Nice truck,if you really want to go old school put a quad box behind that 250,it will still dye on the hills but will run out great on flat ground no matter how heavy you are..
  17. Sounds good I'll take them,will send you a private message..Thanks
  18. Are they the 42 inch offset?if so how much do want for them,I am currently waiting on a price for one new one but will consider yours if price is comparable,Thanks
  19. Just checked there site,,will call tomorrow,I'm so old school,I think Im the only one using these on a cl 700..lol they look sweet tho..
  20. Thanks Chevy will check them out..
  21. looking for one old style heavy chrome pipe bumper guide,the one you can mount a dog on.
  22. Does anyone have one of the old type bumper guides for Macks,the heavy chrome pipe that also has a place to mount the dog on that you would sell or know where i could find one ?
  23. Ok just an update,I thought I knew how to adjust a clutch but no,now I do lol,what I was doing wrong was the way I was adjusting the free play,thought that was done with the internal adjuster,but now I know to adjust the brake first and then adjust the internal adjuster till you have 1/2 inch to 3/4 space in between the brake and throw out bearing,after that if your free pedal is correct your done if not you must adjust the clutch cable ends to get the free play,there it is now my clutch works perfect..
  24. Thanks for the help guys,I'm gonna go ahead and have a new clutch installed,this one has been in for the eight years i owned the truck and not sure how long before i bought it,I think its due.
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