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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. I can’t see that happening unless the shoe linings are worn out along with the drums,once they make contact with the drums that’s all they can go and that’s as far as the s cam can turn..
  2. The blinker interrupts the brake light if that helps any,are your brake lights working?
  3. How are the front cab mounts,I remember them especially the driver side taking a beating from all the water and mud thrown up from the tires..
  4. Check all the return lines..
  5. Well it definitely added soot to the oil,even after a fresh oil change the oil would turn black within minutes..
  6. The black smoke will roll only when and if u stomp on the throttle,if u take it easy very little black smoke..
  7. You don’t really need it,but I guess u already know that..
  8. How’s the oil pressure,does it have excessive blow by?
  9. He states in his opening post the oil pressure jus recently started dropping,what I find interesting is that his idle oil pressure is still the same ,I’m thinking maybe a problem with the oil pump or relieve valve…
  10. That’s a very cool truck..
  11. Tough truck for sure and yeah they ride a little rough but that’s the roads fault..😍
  12. So what’s the specs on those DM’s,58 rears,how long are the bodies?
  13. Two DM’s in that picture right..
  14. MACKS

    Shop Talk

  15. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    Hey Joey,speaking of home made tools,what do I need to tighten the two inside bolts on a Mack 58000 rear,I’ve done it before years back but not sure if I had to bend a wrench or breaker bar to get it done,Thanks
  16. Is the exhaust stack really gonna come out the back door,hope not..🤷‍♂️
  17. I don’t think u can have the slacks adjusted for one inch of travel they will self adjust to just under two inches of travel,that’s the way mine always worked anyway..
  18. I would be looking for a low mileage CH …
  19. That’s what I would first and check your linkage make sure your getting full throttle,check shut off cable also…
  20. What transmission do u have,sounds like u have the wrong gearing for that engine?
  21. I have a low rpm engine in my 96 cl,only supposed to hit 1800 but it revs way over that,not sure how high but easily runs past 21-2200,I’m certain the pump was never worked on just the high idle screw looks to be turned in pretty far,with a twelve speed it shifts perfectly at 1800 and has a ton of power after the shift at around 1500-1600..
  22. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    That’s one clean dog,what’s he haul with that?
  23. Would this be a good choice of coolant for a 1996 E7,pretty good deal on Amazon,I want to flush mine out and add new..
  24. Negative,one box in neutral..
  25. Just keep the main in natural if dumping while not moving,if running out a load pick a low gear and go..
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