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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. F W D This explains the title of your thread................................
  2. I come from a family of farmers, one thing I know you do not step onto a farmers premises/land and tell them what to do, how to do it, how long to work or anything else, Period.
  3. Im thinking about roasted Long Island Duck, topped off with orange sauce and on the side maybe wild rice and a garden salad..
  4. MACKS

    Trucker's GPS

    Can you believe this, Senator Charles Schumer wants all commercial drivers to take a course to learn how to use a gps properly, this is to keep them us off the parkways and hitting low bridges ,lol what's next?
  5. MACKS

    Trucker's GPS

    There great to have when paving a big neighborhood, sucks when you end up behind the paver instead of in front of it.lol
  6. Just keep in mind the dynamat or roof flashing does not stop noise from coming into the truck what it does is stop the metal from vibrating, just knock on the outside of your door and you will hear that hollow sound and after applying the dynamat you will have a nice solid sound,also a big help if the cab has some interior padding to absorb the sound waves that are bouncing around. The best sound deadener insulating material is sold in the marine stores like west marine, think its called sound down or something like that,it pricy but the best out there..good luck
  7. Are there relief valve adjusters on the steering boxes,I remember the older ones having them.
  8. Its high priced roof flashing,just go to lowes and get a few rolls.it will help a lot but the key to a quiet truck is cab isolation,check your cab mounts or up grade to air ride cab.
  9. Wow..
  10. Sorry to hear,do you have a wood stove or back up gen?
  11. Give it a little more time..
  12. About 250 a wheel with a brake kit and good core exchange,if you cant give them back a good core the shoes are 250 one shoe.
  13. Grey matter by WAB,maybe Barry has it in the on line store,best stuff I ever used but I do it by hand.
  14. I bought a product off the shelf at my mack dealer called grey matter or something like that,its a liquid they have two different cutting grades heavy and fine, I use the fine and it works awesome,I will double check the name of it.
  15. +1,also let someone move the truck back and forward while turning hard and you get back there and see what and where its moving, take a close look at the saddle #8 where the spring sits,very possible the spring is twisting in the saddle if its worn on the sides from previous movement, the way your talking something is very very wrong, broken, or just plain worn out.Good luck
  16. Theres been a book out for years titled The Easy Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Car [sp],don't roll your eyes lol,buy it on line read it and you will be done with smoking,just one thing it's really not easy but definitely do able..Good luck...
  17. Some of mine past and present.
  18. It all depends on the axle spacing,here in NY all the new trucks I see on the lots and on the road look the same.20 front 20 drop and 44 or 46 rears,18' beds,there spec for 79,000 state permits,trucks are friggin huge..
  19. They don't want you to be able to pick up the axle or adjust the pressure from inside the cab.
  20. In NY this is the deal,as of right now any truck 2006 and newer, the drop axle must be steerable with the controls outside the cab also no one axle in a group of two or more axles can support less than 80 percent of any other axle in the group,starting Jan 1-15 any truck 2005 and older must meet the above requirements except the weight distribution provision,after Jan 1 20 all provisions must be met regardless of model year.This is for all state wide permits and all down state permits.Also no more supper singles on the drive axles.I heard there will be a type one permit offered to three axle trucks the formula is something like this,42000 lbs + 1150 per ft of wheel base.For me they will not renew my type two permit starting 2015 unless I add a fourth axle.
  21. Thinking about putting the sc13 on my cl to meet the new weight regs that take effect Jan 2015 in NY,if I do it will be sitting in front of 58 rears,every truck must have at least four axles,does this make any sense!!
  22. Some one on e-bay is selling the chrome pipes in the picture above,he has both left and right for 200 each,has a mack part number..
  23. Looks very similar to the one on my cl and mine has a cross brass,on a side note the cross brace must take a lot of stress because mine broke and had to be re welded.good luck
  24. Ya should have picked up some alcohol while in town also and I don't mean scotch..lol good luck.
  25. Had an old dm that did that,it was the throw-out bearing.
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