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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Not sure without looking it up,just grab a 5 gallon bucket and fill er up,get your self one of those pumps that fit a 5 gl pail..
  2. All of the above and one more thing,do not over tighten the fill plug and add a dash of anti seize to it.
  3. lol,same here,now I love it especially when it's fresh picked,soooo tender...
  4. Leftovers for tonight,I knew we cooked to much chicken yesterday..lol
  5. Sounds great.have fun and stay in touch..
  6. How do pieces that large make it down to the oil pan?
  7. For me Chicken,corn on the cob,potato salad,garden salad and local asparagus..
  8. How are you Sean?thought you were coming back to Long Island!!
  9. LOL,a friend of mine used to use that stuff on his car,in and out,it was always shiny...
  10. That looks great,also just a heads up,check the weld where that bracket is attached to the tube steel,seen more than a few brake and down goes the tank..
  11. Do you use spotters to load the trucks or are they on there own,guy I work for doesn't,they use the horn on the miller,just a matter of time before someone gets there hood dumped on..
  12. Home many miles on the fuel filters,check air filter restriction gauge..
  13. Friend of mine has an 89 RD dump with original springs and trunnion bushings,he did replace the pads one or twice...
  14. Nice find,good luck,I new a guy years back had a General ten wheel dump with Mack 58 rears,not sure what engine but it was the fasted truck around,havent seen it in years but I know it's still around and running,you Long Island guys must have seen it years back,anyway have fun..
  15. I just got a free upgrade on sprint network,I went for the kyocera toqure smart phone,its supper tough has direct connect and decent camera has some new sound technology and works with out a speaker,sound vibrations go directly to your ear drum when you touch the phone to part of your ear,love sending pictures via text message,smart phone is the way to go,just get something durable,have fun..
  16. I see a few trucks with them mostly ready mix trucks,I would rather add a drop axle then have one of those hanging on the back of my truck..
  17. He replied to my question and said if I decide not to add a fourth axle I could bank the type two permit weight and apply for a state wide type one permit,as an example a truck with 17 foot wheel base would have a max gross of 63750..I don't think my wheel base is much more than that so I'm screwed!!The formula for the type one permit is 1,250 x wheel base + 42,500
  18. I went back at him with one more question to see if there will be a different type permit offered to us or are we going down to un permitted weight witch would be useless.
  19. I received another e-mail today from William J Morris,NYSDOT os/ow permit office,DL unit supervisor,he repeated what the other e-mail said,that is it makes no difference what year your truck is there will be no type two permits for three axle trucks period.He also said he would like to talk to anyone I know that thinks otherwise,here is his number 518 457 0350,I'm not liking this at all...
  20. As far as the feds are concerned this only applies if you are an Interstate driver.
  21. I sent the e-mail before chevy posted that,think you guys are right,just want to hear it from them..
  22. Bad news from the dot,I sent them an e-mail asking if this new law would effect my 1996 three axle dump with a grandfathered type two permit,They wrote back YES starting January 1st 2015 every truck regardless of year MUST have four axles and if you add an axle it must be steerable..Now I'm really confused,sent them another e-mail to make sure!!
  23. Ok gotch ya,thanks.
  24. The Docs will all have to be certified,but not until sometime in 2014 and it only applies if you drive Interstate,if you drive local you can still go to your own doc,when I renewed my license the girl at dmv glanced at my cert and just nodded and still made me read the eye chart.. I found that info on the dot website so it's hot hearsay.
  25. So your truck from Posillico is a tri axle,how do you figure max gross for a tri axle?Where do you work on LI?
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