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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Thanks for the info chevy,like mack1928 said it only applies to trucks newer than 2006,also looks like there increasing minimum wheel base to 17'from 16'!
  2. Just sent an e-mail to the dot permit office regarding the changes to type two permits for 2015 just to be safe,I cant find any info where it says the changes only effect trucks that are 2006 or newer..
  3. Not yet,thought one of you guys might know,but will check it out..
  4. Do how does it work in NY for a tri axle,besides the axle and tire weight ratings,how do you figure it out wheel base wise,I was told max is 79,000 but not sure what wheel base you need to get that..
  5. If I was in the dirt business I would want a tri axle to carry more but I'm a for hire trucker and run mostly asphalt,no one here pays by the weight only buy the day and even the biggest longest tri axle dumps only carry 22-23 tons,my 10/w is legal for 23 ton and is great on tight jobs like tennis courts and small parking lots,I guess it all depends what type of work your doing but it makes sense to match the equipment to the type of work,but I will be the first to admit I'm getting tired of riding on these 58'000 rears..
  6. My parts guy knew witch one to give me but thanks for taking the time to post it and also thanks for the info on the permits,a lot of people think all ten wheelers will be denied permits,that would be a shame since there is so much work for them..
  7. O well,guess there's no NY dump truckers here..
  8. So if I understand this correctly,starting in 2015 the DOT will not issue any type two permits unless the truck has four axles,no more 10 wheel dumps,what about our grandfathered permits?
  9. Whats wrong with using a little heat?
  10. Oil in the air system if you have any will make its way into the motor and gunk it up,problems are more noticeable in cold weather,might just need a good cleaning.
  11. I had an all chrome air cleaner on my 70 DM800 the intake stack and cap where painted the same as truck,truck number painted on the stack,it looked awesome..
  12. If you have the Haldex there most likely the same one's on my truck,I have the big brakes,do have the part number?
  13. Found a lot of info online,my thinking now is there just worn out,gonna start replacing them but dam they are pricy,gonna start checking e-bay..
  14. They say it's all about safety,last time I got pulled over by Motor Carrier he didn't even ask to see my license all he wanted was my over weight permit,it's all about the money..
  15. Looking to change mine out,96 cl 58 rears,10 spline,right now I have haldex and they don't stay adjusted for very long,what are my options and any part numbers would be great..
  16. On Long Island we already have the state the county and the sheriffs all doing truck inspections,that's more than enough to keep us busy..all most forgot the dec,but they just do mostly emissions tests.
  17. You can use roof or window flashing from home dopy,same stuff for a fraction of the price,used it on my RD years back and it took all the vibration noise out of the metal..
  18. Nobody could be that gay,could they?lol
  19. Might be time for cab mount bushings,not a big deal if that's the problem.
  20. Now you must pass an eye contact test!!!
  21. If they only made tubeless 24'' I'd have em on my cl all the way around,love the look of the big rubber!
  22. LOL..
  23. Are these for the Superliner,if so I would save up and get 12.00's the taller rubber will look much better,just my 2 cents..
  24. Years back I hooked up a charger to my dm800 walked away and both battery's exploded,sounded like a double blast from a shot gun..
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