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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. The straps are the way to go but from what I read online you need a strap rated for double the weight of the truck you are recovering,they are very pricy for the upper ratings,they come up to 12 inches wide for the extra heavy loads,sure wish I had one for this blizzard,using a chain was not only a pain but not very effective..
  2. That's the only downside I can see because they will run rings around a std trans empty or loaded...
  3. Just saw this,thats it but its a flat strap and way much heaver,never saw one to buy in the truck shops,gonna look on line for one..
  4. Not a cable it looks like the flat tie down straps but much wider and thicker with hooks on each end,kinda like a snatch strap,lol you know what I mean..
  5. What about those tow straps,look like they work pretty good on the show ice road truckers,they hook em up and take off like a bat out of hell..
  6. LOL the Supervisor was on vacation and the acting superintendent of hwy was out the whole storm with a tooth ache,what a wimp,It wouldn't make any difference any how,to few trucks and way to much snow,there gonna get there asses kicked anyway...
  7. Holy chit,what a storm,did 70 hrs strait for the Town of Brookhaven,they were totally out gunned,they have so few trucks and most of the contracted trucks are pickups,all the pickups quit on Friday night,they couldn't push the snow,blowing trans and just getting stuck,I had to put full loads of sand on my trucks to get around and was still having trouble,been plowing for 40 years and never saw a storm as bad as this..
  8. Yes Noreaster for sure,there talking feet of snow for some with blizzard conditions...
  9. Are you in the blizzard watch area,there saying 75 mph gusts here,blood money but I need it..
  10. Bring it on!!!
  11. Could also be from a weak power steering pump or low on fluid or clogged filter!
  12. A quick way to check for leaks is to spray some starting fluid on the all the intake connections while the truck is idling!
  13. I believe Michelin and Goodyear offer one peace caps with the original tread style,one piece is the way to go, keep the air up so they don't get to hot..
  14. I like the bull-it style for the newer trucks,getting one for my cl,the old style flat type look better on the flat hood rd and dm and rw trucks..
  15. + 1 and no head lights on the rear of the truck,lol
  16. Most of those trucks are owned by the government,how come no kw or pete's in the video
  17. Just think two more years and you can get SS,if there's any left that is..have a good one!!
  18. I can't find where it says all long guns must be registered..
  19. I thought the holes were drilled with a special tapered bit and u used frame bolts to match..
  20. If the land fill knows what there getting and agreed I would just run it but I would defiantly stay away from the scales and any possible dot check spots,that's a normal day for me,lol
  21. Another little piece of out freedom gone with the stroke of a pen,they keep chipping away some day there will be nothing left..
  22. I think she cut one,you can see the blond looking at her kind of funny
  23. They missed a spot so I had to have it done again
  24. Me to bring it on,enough of this mopey dopey weather..
  25. The latch on the cab is what you need to adjust,takes a few try's to get just right!
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