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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Got stopped in my 83 RD once and just in case I laid the belt across my lap,dam trooper came right to the driver door opened it and pulled on the belt,well the buckle dammed near hit him the head,lol,needles to say I got a ticket...
  2. Got stopped the other day by Suffolk County Motor Carrier,he didn't even ask for my license,just wanted to see my ow permit,took the permit walked around the truck looking at everything than gave it back to me and said have a nice day,also said I was the first truck he stopped that day that had an over weight permit,it's all about the money there looking for the big money tickets around here.
  3. A friend of mine has an 86 RD 58 rears with the original bronze bushings still in the truck,he did replace the rubber pads once or twice,this on a very well used truck,just saying..
  4. Hay Sean,how ya doing,I was told a long time ago a diesel truck engine should run 100 degrees above the outside air temp,check the gasket on your air box.spray some starting fluid around it while it's idling,stay cool out there...
  5. Agree one hundred percent,that would put 90 percent of the lawyers on the unemployment line but save the courts and taxpayer a small fortune...
  6. There's ten teaspoons of sugar in a twelve oz coke,her blood sugar level must have been off the charts!!
  7. Here's a shot o mine..
  8. Kinda hard for me to explain but you need to measure just the flat part of the rim,get the end of your ruler right in the crevasse on the bottom of where the rim slops up,where the chocks go and measure to the outside of the rim.does this make any sense?
  9. Smithtown is a large town ,I've been in there highway yards a few times,they have lots of heavy equipment including many 10 wheel dumps,they used to have all auto cars before switching to Macks.
  10. A good spring shop should be able to replace the entire rear suspension for about six thousand,maybe a little more if the saddles are shot,that's with new springs to.
  11. The mounts in the picture are the same ones I had on my 83 RD but there was no threaded rod,what do the mounts look like on your truck now,if there the same as the picture I would leave them.
  12. I did find two but there shot.
  13. I find it hard to belive the members support this..
  14. Barry should be able to answer that question,shoot him a PM.
  15. Sounds like the threads are worn out and the pressure is pushing the filter off,there is no way for the filter to loosen or un screw it's self.
  16. Nice,did you polish by hand or buff it with a machine?
  17. The blinker interups the brake light,so if the brake light is out the blinker should not work eather..I think!!
  18. Sounds like you have a truck to drive,see if you can find someone to ride with you and teach you how to drive,plenty of retired guys out there looking to make a few extra bucks or maybe you can barter with them.
  19. I can tell you from first hand experiance do not replace a front spring on one side only unless you like driving a lopsided truck...
  20. Thats a huge milling machine,do you own it and the company or do you work for them,Intercounty paving from NJ does most of the big milling jobs on Long Island,sometimes they have two or three machines working the same job at the same time so there is no waiting in line on those jobs,sucks for the truckers,lol..nice pictures...
  21. I don't know anything about long haul trucks,just wondering if you guys can plug into ac power when the truck is parked for a day or so?
  22. But only truck drivers have to pass a physical to drive...
  23. If the springs are hitting the stops sounds like the springs are weak,but I don't know if that would cause a wooble!I have seen a bad power stearing pump cause a front end wooble even,a pluged up filter, how is your steering,have you looked into that at all?
  24. I had them on my DM800,don't think you can buy them new any more,let me get back to you in a few days,I might have two but not sure how good they are...
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