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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Looks great,those tanks are gonna take some elbow grease but will be well worth the effort!!
  2. Try draining a little lube from the rears and see what it looks like..
  3. About 200 grand for the street legal car and more for the off road with about 1100 hp..
  4. I would love to stomp on this bad boy,950 hp street legal,only 100 made so order yours now...
  5. So true Mike,it's been a slow few years here especially last year,looks like it's starting to turn around a little,there have been nice job gains in every industry here except consturction,maybe it's our turn now...
  6. Just under 27,000,it has the 58 rears and 20 front so it's a little heavy but I can still run 23 ton legal here in New York,it's a great asphalt truck with the set back axle it peforms just like tht dm's when on the job...
  7. No we were running asphalt out of Empire former Sundial asphat plant in Setaucket,have you seen the new rail yard on cr 101 just north of the LIE,huge stone yard and bad news for Tilcon..
  8. No problem at all,had a great day...
  9. Back to work tomorrow hauling asphalt,bout time,can't wait to get started and can sure use the money,truck is cleaned up,gressed up,new filters,oil,fueled up and ready to roll...
  10. 1,124 plus tax for four batteries is a little pricy no,you'll have to raise your rates to pay for em...
  11. You can't mount a rear pto unless the idler shaft is splined on the end to accept the pto..
  12. They were called fish belly frames right?the fish belly was where all the stress was when loaded.
  13. Pretty sure it's legal to weld cracks on the trunnion stand,in fact the dot inspector that found a crack on one of mine told me to get it welded asap...
  14. MACKS


    There not tubeless rims so there 24''.
  15. On a side note,I've done business with that broker, Jay does an outstanding job selling trucks and equipment and I would recommend him to anyone that wants to sell something.
  16. MACKS


    Looks pretty clean,no rust at the side cab mounts that the dm's are notorious for,with 7.49 rears you could pull a house down..
  17. Would make a great looking dump truck with a 14' asphalt body on it...
  18. Never herd of that Co.but I'll ask around..
  19. Nice I have one sitting out in the driveway also waiting for snow,not sure what year mine is gotta get the reg from my dad,will post a picture tomorrow.
  20. I could use the check,I'm getting low on rollers and paint lol...hey if there's an easy way to do it I've been known to find it, have fun and don't forget to post pictures when your done..
  21. Those small foam rollers work great for painting dump beds,I have used them many times fast easy and no mess,if you use rustoleum add something to help it dry faster,you'll be convinced it's the only way to go,I use them to paint my rims to,so fast and easy...
  22. You learn something new everyday,thanks
  23. I would do one black and one green,every truck deserves it's own identity..
  24. LOL,if that sells I'm putting mine up next...
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