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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Could be something wrong with the mic,does the needle move all the way to the right when you talk,I have no ground wires on my radio or antenna in my cl and the doors are not steel,radio works good but might work better if I ground it,have to try it...
  2. Your best bet is not to bid on it at all till the very end,you will just drive up the price by doing so,make up your mind what ya want to spend and put your bid in the last five seconds,thats what I do anyway ,seems to work out better for me..
  3. MACKS

    ebay sellers:

    He has over 10,000 items listed and sold over three thousand items last year,I'm surprised there is not a bidding war going on for those very rare bolts..lol Just think how long it would take you to list 10,000 items on e-bay!!!
  4. The beast from the past..lol
  5. I'll put up a picture of mine later,I know it's no match for the monsters they make today but it does work pretty good for a 50 or so year old snow blower..
  6. Before the elderly gentleman that lived next door to me departed this world he gave me his old snow blower,it says Montgomery Ward on it and still runs and works like it's supposed to,they just don't make em like that any more...
  7. MACKS


    I wonder if they will ever upgrade it to HD and improve the sound track like there doing with a lot of the old classics,saw it last week on netflix cool to watch but very poor quality,,
  8. Use the Mack paint with the hardener and the proper thinner for the temperature,it goes on great even for beginners,if you don't want to spray use a small foam roller..
  9. The taller pipe on the DM was also used as a place to mount the mirror bracket..
  10. I never had a V-8 so can't comment on that engine but I once had 237 Mack engine with those same numbers as far as oil pressure and was told by a few knowledgeable people that there was some kind of adjustment or relief valve on the oil pump or maybe it was on the engine it's self, but was told to leave it be,never had a problem and the engine always ran great..
  11. There is a member here named Automaticmack,haven't seen him on in a while but he knows a lot about that trans and is always willing to help,he emailed me a whole owners manual a while back,maybe you can send him a pm for future reference.
  12. One thing for sure,after dealing with 12/24 tube tires for many many years and than buying a truck with 24.5 tubeless tires was one of the best things I ever did,I don't think I'll ever miss fixing those heavy ars tires..
  13. I never tried it, but heard of a lot of guys using starting fluid to set the bead,also watched a few u-tube vids,that's some scary stuff..
  14. Nice,ya gotta get a break once in a while..
  15. I believe you have to apply downward pressure to the push rod side while your adjust the valves,if you do that and are adjusting in firing order at tdc on the compression stroke,you should be good,make sure your on the compression stroke,good luck.
  16. I'm certain this is not your problem but one time I had a driver who kept complaining that there was something wrong with my truck,said it bounced like a bronco but only in the morning and then it would go away,I checked everything and couldn't find the problem,turned out to be the road he was taking to the job site.lol
  17. This is getting complicated,I hope for your sake that the problem lies in the other tire or drum.
  18. Watching the vid you can see the axle its self bouncing up and down,that tells me its and out of round tire,also put you pointer on the brake drum and you can clearly see it bounce up and down along with the axle and the rest of the front end,swap out the tires and rims if you can and see what happens.
  19. Every fall and spring I have to open that valve in the morning for heat and then about noon time I have to shut it off to turn on the ac,gets to be a pain,lol
  20. I don't think your gonna be happy with a side mount pto,your just not going to be able to raise the bed fast enough in the low gears to spread stone,I had both and the rear mount is much better in my opinion,I had to use forth or fifth gear to get my bed to raise at a decent rate with the side mount.
  21. I could care less!!!
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