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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. This old Mack was a tractor when I picked it up at an auction,I bought it with the intention of building a dump the thing is it had the right specs as most of the DM's had,there are plenty of tractors out there that can be converted into dumps but like everyone else said make sure you got the right specs for what ever your jobs are gona call for.Good Luck .
  2. I do all my own tires also,but have been to many truck tire shops and never saw a hydraulic bead breaker in use or even in the shop,I would think that if they don't use them there must be a reason,18 bucks for a dismount and remount is a sweet price if I were you I would stick with that and save your back for better things.
  3. I have red plastic wire ties on the rods tight to the cans,makes it easy to check just pop the maxi brake and take a look or measure the travel,I keep mine at two inches of rod travel and try to keep all the brakes at the same adjustment so one set doesn't wear out faster than the others,make sure you check them often a ticket for out of brake adjustment is serious and you might need a lawyer when you go to court. Good Luck.
  4. The first thing to do is change the fuel filters,or have you done that already.
  5. Sweet looking trucks ,but I'm betting that's the first load of asphalt that truck ever hauled and most likely the last,there's no way you can keep the undercarriage of a truck that clean doing asphalt work.
  6. If your gonna buy a truck buy a Mack,IF your gonna buy a bike buy a Harley Maybe you can get a Harley with a 58 Mack rear to handle the extra weight What ever you get have fun.
  7. LOL,65 an hour,last time I had my truck at Mack they charged me 125 an hour for labor and the two hour job turned into a six hour job Ryan just get that truck working and you'll make that money back in a heart beat.Once you get to work you'll see your truck is worth every penny you put into it.
  8. Maybe a faulty check valve or a pin hole in the fuel line causing it to loose it's prime.
  9. Should be a three prong flasher most likely to the left of the steering wheel and just under the dash board.
  10. Ryan,I had the ratio changed in my 83 RD a while back and I'm pretty sure all that was changed was the ring and pinion gears,they said it was the cheapest way to go and would give me what I was looking for.
  11. A torque multiplier is the way to for the u-bolts,especially on the 58 and heaver rears,sure wish I had one,in the mean time I use the big air gun and then a long pipe on the breaker bar
  12. LOL,I guess nobody wants to touch this one,anyway I went ahead a pulled of the head today,what a mess milky slop all through the engine,I found one gasket that seals where the push rods go,looks like it blown out also can see signs that coolant was getting into the back cylinder the top of that piston was perfectly clean I guess it got steam cleaned I'm thinking that coolant was also going through the blown out gasket,got a few pictures,any thoughts are more than welcome.
  13. This old H-70 still runs good,it has a small cummins engine 160,the problem is that it leaks coolant into the oil pan even when it's not running,if it sits for a few days it will leak a least a gallon or more,the engine runs fine no miss and no pressure going to the radiator and no oil getting into the radiator, could this still be a blown head gasket or crack in the head,do these engines have liners that could be leaking,I know it's leaking in the back of engine because the back sump on the oil pan is where all the coolant goes,nothing in the front sump.Anybody have any thoughts,I'm thinking/hoping it's just a head gasket. Thanks for any help.
  14. I had a 1970 dm with the 55 rears,its been a few years but never had a problem getting brake parts,your not gonnna be able to swap the shoes out for relined ones you have to buy the pads and bolt them on yourself,drums should be readily available and as far as the axle and rollers I don't know what you mean,my dm had an s cam and no rollers just wear pad that got pined to shoes.
  15. I agree with HK and nothing looks better than spoke wheel's with a nice paint job on them.
  16. It sounds like you might need a clutch adjustment,I always adjust it to leave two inches of free pedal,it's important to have that free pedal so that the clutch is fully released.Also just before the pedal hits the floor the clutch brake should be engaged.I know there is a right way doing it by measuring in between the clutch brake and the through out bearing but off hand I'm not sure what the measurement is I think 3/4 inch when the clutch is released.
  17. Keep an eye on e-bay I picked up a lot parts for my 85 rd some of them were brand new,also seen quite a few hoods on there as well.Good Luck
  18. Not a fan of light beer,I like Michelob or Heineken in that order,also I make my own from kits and it's pretty darn good.
  19. Looks like the big snows are gona be to the south of us,some places looking to get up to 40".Any one down there with a dump truck or dump trailer will be working for weeks hauling snow.
  20. Also check your ground wires,there might be a ground wire that goes from the engine to the frame if there is make sure you have a good clean connection.
  21. I'd love to help you out but your a little to far,send some of that snow to Long Island,I could sure use the money. This was the storm we had in December,over two feet.
  22. I have a heavy steel bumper on my cl,it was on the truck when I bought it but I know the previous owner had it made by a steel shop,pretty simple for them to do you just need to give them the measurements or maybe your old bumper.
  23. Someone told me windshield washer fluid works well and it's a lot cheaper than straight antifreeze or diesel.
  24. Your talking about an engine that's nineteen years old,I wouldn't let a minor oil leak stop me from buying the truck,if it was or is a bad leak that needs to be fixed than maybe you can get the owner to ether fix it first or deduct the cost of the repair from the selling price.Good Luck
  25. Nice,I wounder what the dimensions of the dump body are,it looks kinda wide.
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