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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Same here in Ny in fact there still bumpy after they re surface them..lol
  2. And there slowly doing away with pushing the trucks,they dump into a transfer machine that conveys the asphalt to the spreader,nothing touches the spreader and it never has to stop in-between loads,end result super smooth roads..
  3. Have a bowl of total..
  4. Also check the door hinges,try moving the door up and down when it’s open..
  5. Replace the weather strip and adjust the striker plate so the door closes tight,that will probably eliminate your rattles…
  6. The original poster has the greaseable type trunnion,there is only brass bushings for that type,you are talking about non greaseable type..
  7. It’s the only way u can,there’s no way to mount them wrong..
  8. It’s to disconnect the pto at the height u have it adjusted for so u don’t blow the seals out of the piston..
  9. Have a spotter look to see what’s moving while u slowly drive making sharp turns..🤷‍♂️
  10. With the rear mount u don’t have to put the Tran in gear with splitter In neutral ,it works in neutral and also when in gear your body will go up just as fast even if your in first gear,great for running out loads..
  11. Sounds like your good to go,good job,personally I’ve never seen anyone or shop use a torque wrench on those big nuts and I’ve seen many adjust them totally wrong,saw one shop using a big air gun to wack the inner adjusting nuts on and then same on the outer or use a chisel and a big hammer on the outer,It really pays to do stuff yourself ..
  12. Why not use a speedy sleeve,that’s what there for and u can use the same seal as without the sleeve.just asking..
  13. Rear mount pto to remote pump is your only option,get it set up right keeping the drive shaft as short as possible,still way better than a side mount..
  14. Could be the piston banging around,they always been known to make a racket..
  15. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    we were practically neighbors,lm in East Patchogue,graduated from Bellport H S in 69…
  16. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    Lol,thanks anyway..🤣
  17. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    Nice,I scored a couple tube of the gray on flea bay,but no white to be found,I actually just used some today on an old outboard motor I’m working on,good stuff but the white is the best..
  18. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    Nice find,was that the white by any chance,can’t find that anywhere,guess it’s obsolete now..
  19. Agree with every u say but my thinking is there is no such thing or I would have had it on my truck now or the 83 RD I had before this or at least heard about it..do let us know what u find out..
  20. What’s don’t u like about it,had one for years with no issue?
  21. Cold,warm or doesn’t matter?
  22. What truck did u like the best?
  23. Try an E Mail to Stengel Bros with your vin number,forget about Mack dealer you’ll have to re morgage your home..
  24. Sounds like u have the wrong springs on you linkage,is it worse when your on a bumpy road..
  25. If u want to measure yours use a piece of rope,end of threaded rod to end of other threaded rod..
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