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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. You crack me up
  2. I prefer a 4 valve,I think they run much smother and quieter than a 2 valve,maybe just because they breathe better,Just my opinion.
  3. Sounds like you got a good deal for 200 bucks and it's most likely better than a new one,good luck with it.
  4. Come on L put up a link
  5. Maybe it was ten years ago,time flies when you having fun,anyway great idea to have it rebult with bushing put in it,I think if they were made from the get go with bushings they would last a lot longer,good luck and let us all know how it turns out.
  6. You will need to adjust the valves in fireing order with each cyl on top dead center,once you get tdc for number one then you can mark out the balancer for the rest.
  7. I own a 90 rd ten wheel dump with an allison 5 speed auto,I have to say it's very reliable and so easy to drive,it also has awesome power off road but not very good on fuel,I would love to test drive a new truck with big HP and an auto,that being said I still love a mack 12 speed witch I drive every day,in my mind the best tranny ever built by mack or any body else.
  8. That switch has nothing to do with an engin brake,it limits or shuts off the air to the front brakes so when in the slippery position your front brakes wont work,this prevents them from locking up on wet or icey roads,are you sure you have an engine brake should be a wire going to the top of each valve cover,not sure about that other thing on the motor maybe some kind of temp senser,do you have shutters on the radiator.
  9. Maybe you can spray some sound deading paint on the drive shaft,like the stuff they sell in the auto parts stores or some say the pick up bed liner spray paint works good to deadin sound.
  10. HotRod,I bought mine at Long Island truck parts in medford, long island, NY,the phone number is 631 736 3434 and e-mail is info@litruckparts.com back then they had them in stock,maybe they still have one laying around or a good used one since they rebuld trannys there.If you call them ask for Rob,Good Luck
  11. I replased mine about eight years ago,I'm pretty sure the rails were about a hundred apiece,not sure about the bracket but it was cheaper than the rails,I have to say it was money well spent.
  12. Used to happen all the time on my dm,I broke down and bought new shift rails and the alluminum housing,the housing was the thing that worn out,the holes were oblong,also bought a new shifter,you just can't belive the difference in the way it shifted,but that is not a cheap way out.In the mean time if your carefull the way you shift it won't jam up,do not move the shifter diagonally pull it strait foward or strait back to nutural and then to the left or right in a straight line if you know what I mean.Good Luck
  13. You might wanna give e-bay a shot,I have picked up quite a few pipes,elbows and clamps for really cheap price.
  14. I think you only have to pay the sales tax at the dmv when you regester the the truck,if your friend does the deal he can send for tital in his name and then sign it over to you,when you regester the truck you pay the sales tax.
  15. MACKS

    Recap Tires:

    I have herd that Michelin recaps are the best,Pedro are they one peice caps or do they have seams,also goodyear recaps there own tires with the orignal tread in a one peice cap neaver tried eather one but I like the idea of a one peice cap.
  16. More than likley the dash valve is bad,had the same problem a few times and had to replace the dash valve.Good Luck
  17. MACKS

    Recap Tires:

    If possible you should ask them if they can give you all the same brand casing,that way all your tires will be uniform and exactly the same size.
  18. It sounds like your problem from the start was an air leak or a few air leaks,I don't understand why you can't find it,start at the compressor and work your way through the whole truck spraying every line and valve with soapy water use dish soap it works the best.Good Luck
  19. Try a brazeing tip on your torch so you can pinpoint the heat to where you need it.
  20. Nice,looks like he burned some fuel on that pull.
  21. Did you mean to say 1/16 instead of 1/6,eather way you should have 0 to very little side to side movement in the yoke and spline,also sounds like you need to find a new driveshaft shop,the guys I use told me that slight up and down play is ok but any side to side is a no no. Good Luck
  22. If it's not rusted yet and that sounds like what your saying, I have seen a few guys that filled the gutter in with silicone and it seamed to prevent any rust problems.
  23. That sounds good at least the clerk get something for all his running back and forth BUT its minus 2 not plus 2 and that comes to 25 dollars paid for the room by three guys,30 first laid out then they got 3 back minus the 2 bucks the cherk kept = 25 dollers paid by three guys .The catch is the puzzle makes you think you have to add two dallars when in fack you have to subtract.
  24. Ok lets just say that when the manager found out that the clerk kept two dollars he got mad and told him to give the three guys the two bucks back,so the clerk decided to give one guy a dollar and the other two got 50 cents each, so now one guy ended up paying 8 dollars and the other two ended up paying 8.50 each,so 8+8.50+8.50=25,no more missing dollar.
  25. I had the same problem many years back,pulled the heads and the first thing I saw was small peices of rings imbeded in the top of one piston,you know the rest of the story.
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