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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Not sure how long the oil has been in the truck,the truck is for sale and the owner doesent know much about it,the truck came with a bussines he bought,it has been sitting for six months,the pressure jumps right up with a little rev.
  2. HK, Thanks for the quick come back.
  3. Hay guys,what should the oil pressure at Idle be on a 1996 350hp four valve motor be,the motor runs great nice and smooth with no blow by but with the truck wormed up the oil pressure drops to 18 lbs at idle and runs at 50 to 60 lbs when driving the truck,is this normal or is there a problem with the motor like crank and rod bearings or the oil pump.It has about 325,000 miles on it with no major work,Thanks for any Input.
  4. Long Island NY,we have been holding steady around five bucks a gallon for a few weeks now.crude took a nice hit today,so I'm hopeing the pump price might come down a little.
  5. The Lo is only used with the main in first gear, for off road or if you get stuck but if you start out in lo first you can than shift to high and than run through the rest of the gears.
  6. I just paid 5.05 on long island ny, so that means it went over 2 dollars a gallon from this time last year. regular gas is up to 4.30 a gallon and heating oil is at 4.40 or even higher.I don't know how much more we can stand.
  7. Wolf-I don't know if this will help or not but on my 83 RD I can only use rims that are 8.5 inches wide 8 inch rims just wont fit right they seam to be to loose,they wont fit right on the front or the back,I asked some tire guys about it and they couldent give me a reason why.Measure the width of the rims from boath trucks and see if there the same,I bet one is wider that the other,If the rims are clean the numbers are stamped also check the pitch,it will be stamped right next to the width.
  8. All the dm's have the offset cab, the dm-800 has the long hood and the dm-600 has the short hood, the 800 has a set back axle,the frame on the dm-600 has the so called fish belly frame. The steel nose r's as far as I know are all normal lenth hoods,and the cabs are centered on the frame.Hope this helps!
  9. Thats why so many cpmpanys hire the illegals,it seams like there the only ones who whant to work anymore,everyone else wants a do nothing job complete with all the benfits and retirement plan.If you want to make it in this day and age you have to get hungry and stay hungry,No matter what you young people decide to do,even trucking,just give it your best shot and you'll make it just fine and be a better person for it. Good Luck.
  10. You have to least give these guys some credit for standing up for themselves,but they need a lot more support from all truckers and even people who drive cars these fuel and gas prices are hurting everyone not just the truckers.
  11. It must be a pretty strong bridge to hold the weight of that truck,I wounder if the wood decking diden't give if he would have made it to the other side.
  12. I like the way the high intakes look,makes the truck look a lot tougher.Thanks for posting the pictures.
  13. I don't know much about long haul trucking,but don't the big trucking companys hire owner operators because they have more loads to haul than they have trucks.I always see adds in the paper from big companys looking for owner operators to haul there loads.
  14. It's the only way to get anyone to listen mainly the goverment,these guys need some help they need some tax breaks or some kind of fuel refunds from uncle sam.Those big rigs are the backbone of this country if they go down were gonna have some real problems,and how the heck can the big trucking companys make it if the owner operator can't.Tthe problem is not just the high cost of fuel it's all the taxes that are dumped on the trucking industry.I hope they do go on strike and I hope someone in the goverment wakes up and gives them some help.
  15. Thats a sweet looking truck,he's got some fat stacks on her.How about checking with the dept of motor vehicles maybe they could help you track them down if you have any vin numbers.
  16. Wow thats crazy, we have been holding steady here in the past few days,but they say it's gonna keep going up till early summer.
  17. Higher fuel = higher rates,and don't think your customers wont pay higher rates,there is no way they can run a truck cheaper than an owner operator.
  18. It's now at 4.27 to 4.30 on Long Island NY. This really is getting out of control!
  19. Thats one sweet looking truck,what year did the diamond t become the reo, I had a 63 diamond t with a packer body on it,I have some pictures some where I'll post them on this thread when I dig them up.
  20. A short piece of tube from a bike tire works great for that, just tie one end in a knot and use hose clamp for the tank end.
  21. It's back again relisted,I don't know why he just doesen't just have a public auction I think he would make out a lot better,not only that it would be a lot of fun for us.
  22. It figures exxon would be so high,there so into giveing us the screws,I would rather walk than buy gas or fuel from exxon..
  23. OK thanks, I was thinking it had something to do with dusty work.
  24. Sharp looking trucks,could someone explain the high air intakes is it just for looks or is there a reason for them being so high.
  25. The getty around the corner from my yard who is always the cheapest was 399.9 yeasterday so I'm sure a lot of stations are well over four a gallon by now, I take a ride around and check out prices.Long Island,NY
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