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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. I'm pretty sure the 285 was built with the heavy duty cam for use with with a jake brake.
  2. Dam,I just paid 389.9 on Long Island NY,the owner of the gas station told me it will be over 4.00 by monday,soon I'll be looking at a dollar a mile to run my dump truck just for fuel.
  3. Yes that was the same seller I was thinking about.Maybe Barry could help you out with that.
  4. There is someone on e-bay selling them,in commercial truck parts he says he has what ever one you may need.
  5. Thanks for replys,does mack make a rebuild kit for the dynatard brake,I might give that a try first.
  6. Will a jake brake from a 237 fit and work on a 315 hp motor, the 315 has a dynatard on it now but it neaver worked worth a darn,I have a complete jake brake setup and would like to swap it out.
  7. LOL, or just leave it running all night !
  8. You should add an engine block heater for cold winter starts,a few hours with heater on and she will start like it's summer,also much better for the engine .
  9. Ok I'll try a picture here,My 71 DM600 237, six speed, 58 rears,20 front end,I have a few shots of my DM800 I will try to put them up soon.
  10. MACKS

    1971 Dm600

    OK thats a start!
  11. MACKS

    1971 Dm600

    Test dm600
  12. I'll try to get some pictures up for you this weekend most likley on sunday.
  13. So whats up,did you get her running ?
  14. You left out Bonel Contracting from patchogue,they had five or six dm 800 they were all painted the same green with a yellow and cream stripe on the big hood,all had B D bodies,24" rubber,the one I bought off him even had a crome air cleaner,those were the days 250hp quad box and grosin 84000 !
  15. I don't know anything about a v-8 pump but does anyone know whats under those two caps on the end of the pump,maybe some kind of manual rack adjustment.
  16. It could also be week or broken springs on the brake shoes or a flat spot or rust on the s cam,the brakes or drums could be worn to mush causing the s cam to get hung up,you might try to spray some wd40 or something like it directly on the s cam where it hits the brake shoe that will work for a while.And yes your truck should roll free when in neutral,you might also have a hard time shifting if a brake is hung up.Good Luck
  17. You have to do it in fireing order,bring no 1 to TDC on the compression stroke and adjust boath valves,turn the engine in the normal rotation to bring the next cylinder in fireing order to TDC and adjust it's valves, keep going till your done.Just make sure your on the compression stroke, if your not sure crack the no 1 line at the pump and look for a squirt of fuel as you bring the no 1 to TDC.
  18. Just go to a mack dealer and get one, they don't cost that much.I'm sure Barry could give you a price and ship one to you.
  19. That black smoke cost me some money this year and a day in court,plus I had to have my truck re inspected before I went to court,no more black smoke for me.
  20. I love the way thoes air intakes look,can't help woundering why there up so high,super dusty work or what.
  21. Only one hour left and he has one offer,I would think that who ever buys it will sort it all out and re sell what he doesn't need.
  22. Change the air filter first and then take a look at the puff limiter to see if its working, a quick way to check it is to do a full throtle snap test once with the parking brake on and once with the brake off, if it's working you will see a lot more smoke with the brake on.The puff limiter is on the front of the pump and has an air line on it comeing from the intake manafold.
  23. Just a thought, what kind of fuel shut off does it have electric or cable, make sure it's opening all the way.I have a 90 mack that had an electric air shut off on the pump,I had to take it off and hook up a cable shut off because sometimes it wouldent shut the fuel off and sometimes it wouldent turn it on.
  24. 1983 e-6 315 with a 12 speed overdrive rears are 519 or close to it, this on a 10/w dump with a lot of stop and go, 4.6 mpg. I had a 70 237 10/w dump with 450 rears and a six speed that got a least 7 mpg in stop and go.
  25. I would make sure it's getting fuel before you do anything, it's not likley that the timing jumped but it is posible, it happend to me once when the keyway on the pump shaft broke. Is this a working truck or a running truck, did it just not start one day, if it fires up with a shot of eather than more than likley it's a fuel related problem. Crack a few inj lines on the pump and see if you have fuel when you turn it over.
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