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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Is there any smoke coming out of the stack when you try to start it , if not it's not getting any fuel,if there is smoke it could be timeing. Let us know how you make out. Good Luck
  2. I replaced the king pins on my 70 dm quite a few years ago and they were the tapered pins, yes you have to take the new pins, bushings, and the spindles to a machine shop to be fitted or honed, I can tell you it's not a fun job. I don't know if an 80 rd has the tapered pins or not.
  3. It sold for 7,000 I thought it would go for at least 10,000, I think who ever won it got a pretty good deal.
  4. If those are recent pictures it looks good the way it is, tuff looking mack.
  5. That truck looks to be nice and clean with no rust to speak of, what is the HP rating for that bad boy, what do you think it will go for.
  6. It's great to hear from you guys, it's nice to know whats going on in other parts of the country, I hope we all make a good living next year, bulldog man good luck hope you do well, briguy 520 I hear ya on the cheap labor it's something we all have to deal with and it's gonna realy hurt us in time.
  7. I had the same problem mine was rusted out bad above the rear window, I took the back part off with a small grinder, cleaned the metal up good than used auto body filler and repainted, it looks pretty good. Make sure you prime the metal good I used that xo rust stoper before I filled with the body filler.
  8. The key to a quiet cab is cab isolation and I don't think mack figured it out until they came out with the ch cl model,just press your ear to any metal part of the cab while the truck is running and you'll see what I mean.Thats why Rob says to cover all the metal you can get to even the inside of the door skins.My 70 DM'S were much quiter than my 83 R model. I also have a 90 rd that is very quiet I have no idea why unless mack used something to treat the metal with, one day I'll take a look behind the interior and see if they used something.
  9. How did you guys do this year, what part of the country are you from and what do you think about next year. I'm from Long Island NY, this past year started out very slow but it picket up and turned into another good year. I hauled mostly asphalt this year and I had no problems with my 83 rd just a few flat tires. I'm not 100 percent sure about next year but it looks pretty good with a lot of road paving jobs to keep us busy. Good Luck to All.
  10. Both rears normally move about the same when the bushings are bad, if you had them replaced then the bar it self could have been worn to much, who ever did the job should have checked the bar and saddles to see if they were within spec. One way to check is to jack up the truck one side at a time put the jack under the trunnion bar not the spring saddle, get a big pry bar inbetween the top of the spring and the frame and see of the spring has any movement. If your old bushings were worn all the way through then there is a good chance that the bar and the saddles were worn also.
  11. The torque rod prevents the rear from twisting up or down not side to side, if your front rear is moving out of line side to side most likley the trunnion bushing are worn.Worn isolator pads will also allow some movement but not that much unless there really shot.
  12. Glad you got it fixed, was it an air leak or was the line restricted?
  13. Maybe an air leak, all it takes is a pin hole recheck all your feed lines and hose end fittings.
  14. Ir your looking for something to use to decarb the piston and oil rings try sea foam, that stuff works great.
  15. Not sure what you mean by an inner axle seal but if your talking about a regular wheel seal or axle seal just pry or drive the old one out and drive a new one in, if you can get the right seal tool it makes it easy to replace, you have to get it in straight and don't damage the rubber lip on the seal, if you will be doing your own brakes buy the seal tool it's money will spent, Hope this helps, good luck.
  16. A jake brake kit would cost you around 15 hundred or a little more, you might be able to find a used one for a lot less, in my opion a dynatard is not the way to go I have one on my truck and it's pretty much useless, I also have a truck with a jake and the differernce is like night and day.
  17. Hay scooter-I have the same motor in my 83 rd dump with a 12 speed mack tran, I'm not interested in turning up the fuel, that might give it more power but it's not gonna do much for the rpm, even with the puffer shut off there is no difference in rpm, I have the throttle screw turned all the way in so I can reach 21 or 22 hundred rpm with a load but the problem is it takes to long the hit 21 hundred, it fells like the govener starts shuting it down at around 17 hundred and then it's a slow climb to 21 hundred, it makes the truck run flat with no push off between gears if you know what I mean. I think we need to adjust the govener but I don't know how, does any one here know how to do it. I was even thinking of putting a different pump on it but not sure witch one would do the trick.Can any one here help us out.
  18. I never heard of a jake on a gas engine, I don't think they have enough compression to make it work.
  19. It's not that simple you wil need to remove the trany, clutch and fly wheel to replace the rear main seal, unless it's leaking bad wait until you are ready to put a new clutch in and then do the seal.
  20. As far as I know there is no way to way to get rid of the free play in those old boxes other than to replace the worn parts, most likley the worm gear, your best bet would be to try and find a good used one or have yours rebuilt, also check all the u joints,if there worn it will add a lot of free play.
  21. 3.70 a gallon on Long Island NY, this is crazy how high will it go, only one more month and the dump truck season is over, gonna need a big rate increase next year.
  22. Thats very sad news, our prayers are with him and his loved ones.I hope they catch the sob that ran him over and lock him up.
  23. I have the same tranny in my 83 RD I like to split the gears with the stick in netural, always a little grind in the higher gears, make sure you have the right gear oil 80 or 85 weight is best and change the air filter on the tranny.
  24. If the truck sits overnight and the fuel tanks do not level themselves out and the cross over line is clear witch we know it is than the only thing it could be is the vents on the tank or the vented fuel cap which ever one it has,like twostick said loosen the fuel cap and see what happens.
  25. The reason why it will build pressure if the vents are pluged is that the pump draws more fuel than the engin can use, just so you can understand what im saying, lets say for every gallon of fuel the pump draws from the tank the engin only uses one quart and all the rest is returned to the tank.
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