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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Sorry for your loss..
  2. A good jake was a great help with those trans..
  3. Thanks,see if I can get to it without taking the floor board out..
  4. There must be a breather on these trans right,if so where would it be,can I reach it from underneath the truck?doesn’t show it in the book I have but say clogged breather is cause of minor oil leeks…
  5. So u use no heat on the wear ring to install?
  6. We used to call the DM frames fish belly rails..
  7. No check the bottom hot,after running a few miles,the bottom splashes lube up top and the excess drains back down,if the bottom is still over full hot then you have to much lube ..
  8. Thats from Stengel Bros. Not a bad price..
  9. There not stubs,just a picture showing the end,it’s a complete bar for 44,000 ..
  10. Codes! Zoom in on Image(s) Tap or pinch to expand ADD TO WISH LIST EMAIL THIS PAGE TO A FRIEND 334-466 Shaft Your Price: $488.97 Retail Price:$1,051.48 Your Savings:$562.51(53%) Shaft Part Number: 334-466 Cross Reference Numbers: 85QK249 85QK251 85QK218C MB1 06340 FTS-4705 MB1 06340 85QK249 85QK251 85QK218C FTS-4705 SEND TO:
  11. Check with Stengel brothers online,you’ll need your vin …
  12. This is all I can find about that..
  13. This is what there using but this tranny is out of the truck…
  14. Says in the book there is a snap ring holding them in..
  15. Yup there it is..
  16. I have to check in my book because I thought my 12 speed has roller bearings under the rear covers and not tapered bearings with race..humm
  17. When I had my drop axle installed we had to switch from a rear mount to side on a 12 speed trans,don’t remember my mechanic saying it was a big deal but next time I see him I’ll ask,sounds complicated to me..
  18. You’ll have to get new rims,tubeless 24.5 and u can go with 11 or 12R24.5 tires
  19. The 12- 24.5 Double coin are a different tread design than the smaller sizes,I really like them an they are wearing great,and like I posted before the Road Crew brand are Double Coin but much cheaper,about 200 per tire cheaper..
  20. I used to run them,talked to u about them,they went way up almost 700 each,first time I bought them was under 400 I think 375 ..Even the double coins are getting crazy expensive..
  21. That’s a lot of bucks,different market over there for sure..
  22. I also found tires branded Road Crew,they are exactly the same as double coin but cheaper,guy on e bay selling them..good luck
  23. This is when they were new..
  24. If your gonna go with Chinese rubber Double Coin is the best bang for your bucks,actually a very decent tire I’m running 12R24.5 on my dump,30000 miles on em so far very happy with them..
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