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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Hope u have a good one…🎂
  2. Starting fluid works great also..
  3. I bpoght one of years back,they work awesome I’m 72 and still do my own tires because I have that tool,that and lots of good lube makes it a lot easier..
  4. Lol,yes it’s four wheel drive,I have a ball joint press that I used before on a different truck,worked great but still a fair amount of work for a shady tree mechanic..🤔😏
  5. Getting ready to do ball joints on my 2000 f-250 super duty,have all the parts sitting on the bench in the garage,I have to get a little psyched up first before I start…😂
  6. Look on line,simple tire . Com or even e bay,some good deals and some deliver to you door for free,u could always have someone come to you and mount them..
  7. A little more truck related insanity..I went up the Mack dealer today to pick up a few bolts,there close by, anyway for a 7/8 x 4.5 grade 8 bolt they want 34.26,5.85 for a washer and 18.45 for a locking nut,that’s 58.56 each and I wanted 4,that would come to 234.24 + tax..WTF is this even legal to over charge that much? That same bolt,washer and nut is 14 to 15 bucks elsewhere..
  8. Yeah it’s easy to get a ny statewide permit but there no where near 79000 ..
  9. A friend of mine sold his truck wit a grandfathered permit on it and two other permits that were banked,he said 15000 for each permit,this was a few years back..
  10. The permit travels with the truck,it’s the only way to sell or buy one,I can contact NYSDOT for the specifics but trying to find the value,the time is coming..lol
  11. Does anyone on here know the value of a NYS downstate grandfathered overweight permit,I know the permit must be sold with the truck,it’s a 79000 lb permit? Thanks..
  12. I ment to say not individual states..
  13. That’s ridiculous,why would they issue a professional drivers license if u can’t use it to make money,I thought all cdl were under fed guidelines and individual states..
  14. Don’t know I’m in dump trucking and the only people buying new trucks are not trucking companies but paving or excavating company’s that are doin really well,they are pretty much off limits for an owner operator..
  15. The prices are really not out of sink with everything else when u think about it,price a new f-250 superduty with a few bells and whistles on it and most of those are just daily drivers,owners don’t make a dime with them working,and it’s just a pickup truck..🤔
  16. Are u saying dump trucks in NJ are working for 70 an hour?
  17. Same here in NY..
  18. Your gonna have a long wait..🤔
  19. One thing is certain,in dump trucking these new big hp automatic trucks will run rings around any so called old school trucks,hell you can’t even keep up with one if your in a car..lol
  20. I would stick with the original type springs and pads,how do u improve the ride on 38000 rears,they already ride like an old caddy..
  21. I don’t think anybody is gonna gross 80,000 0n 38,000 suspension,not for long anyway..
  22. Or a fifteen foot pipe and a once breaker bar..😂💪
  23. Probably a dumb question but how do u replace the u bolts guess u have to remove the the spring from the trunion bar right,I know on the 58’s u have to remove the caps and drop the bar?
  24. Stengel bros is good place to get parts,shoot them an e mail with your vin,they have everything and are very helpful..
  25. Well it does have New Jersey colors,blue cab,red undercarriage…
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