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Everything posted by Maddog13407

  1. yup, take bracket off, some good pb blaster for a few days and let it soak. brand new pair of vise grips helps to with those theft proof bolts. may even have to heat the head of the bolt a few times and let it cool so it works it way down in the threads but dont try to loosen it! everyone knows when you heat something it expands and you will probably pull the threads right out of the dog. just heat and cool a few times to let it expand and contract the bolt, let good, juice it up again and try it. usually works but i have broken many bolts off in an old dogs leg before and had to drill them out, never broke the leg off yet tho knock on wood. the older dogs like on the EQ's and stuff were the tits cause they had the studs and nuts.
  2. i still claim the grille screen out of that one Mike! haha
  3. yup, all the older ones are the same, R U,F , some DM. depends on double, single or triple frame, but you could always space it with 1/4 plate on each side. only one that different in a B model is the cab mount crossmember. think the crossmembers changed with the newer style R models, they will work and bolt up but dont have the little bent out tabs to bolt the air line clamps to, they just have the half round hole with wire loom around it.
  4. what about black? was that just a western thing? had a 82 Superdog that had black painted inside doors and black plastic dash and steering wheel, but had the tan padded door panels with the pressed into them and had black bulldog printed seats.. just wonderin.
  5. wow that green one is sweet and it has shutters, definately gives it a different look with shutters instead of the mesh grille.
  6. yup, on the liquor store spot myself. already been there, and the beer store and the gas station.. think we're set
  7. pretty windy here in central ny, rainin like a bitch, tree fell down across town and took out the gas main with the roots and village next door has a structure fire. i wonder when all those countries that we send out billions of dollars to help all the time when they have a natural disaster are gonna be rowin their boats over here to help our sorry asses. haha i think not. kinda makes u sick.
  8. that short wheelbase wrecker was the one you got from Dennis and imported right? was an ex ny/nj tunnel rescue truck? if so it was about an hour from me until you bought it. thats the one your workin on??? odd to see a B model with the old style L model spring hangers
  9. hood scoop and a 5 and 4 with 1995 fuel tanks and tan interior? sounds like a mutt truck someone put together. didnt think a quad would last behind a 300+. i always liked the tan interior, especially if it was clean. hated the newer style steering wheel.
  10. yup all joking! im going down to Somerset next weekend with ym B model to pick up the B model firetruck . dunno how many laws im breakin but its all my equipment and im gonna change the gvw on my truck as i only have it registerest as a tractor for 10,000 with historic plates. gonna put not for hire on it and cross my fingers.
  11. i dunno, i like the street stock better than the super modified myself. guess its personal preference
  12. ok onto weird Mack emblems, the FH i saw in the junkyard that i posted pics of that the guy never called me back after i called him and left messages twice. up on the headache rack had a tailight with the old Mack emblem on it, kinda like a 53-56 Ford truck scripted tailight. anyone ever seen another one of thse?
  13. wonder if i could have some B613's made up.... since Mack never made them.
  14. sm54 those are the covers i never liked. one wrong move when your standing on them and they come unlatched and you fall on your ass haha.they dont have the lockin groove in the back like the newer or older ones with the x in the front or the B model style.
  15. some of those early Superdogs had those cheesy cheap battery box covers, not the heavy ones with the x in the front. they had the ones you DIDNT wanna stand on cause the cover would come off and youd go on your ass haha.
  16. all that and no B43 emblems Mike? haha god i wish i could find a few pair . i have never seen any.
  17. lucky you haha.... just kiddin, Dennis has some gems but tends to buy them from people down on their luck or their old lady leaves or wants the truck to leave and they need the cash then he wants 8 times as much for it
  18. yea, how can i illegally drive a historic loaded vehicle thru Pa without getting caught from somerset Pa to NY? haha
  19. i dunno, i waited over three f ing hours thursday for the shuttlebus that kept bypassin out hotel 3 trips, then got to the show and had to pay and get reinbursed by Stormy cause some idiot at the gate when i was preregistered never out mine or my finace's nametags in the bag . the busses in my opinion were overkill. i would have rode on a schoolbus. the route into the truck show was another bitch of mine. why direct 1000 trucks that ride like crap in the first place down two of the roughest roads in Springfield?.
  20. dont have any B43 badges anywhere do you Mike? for some reason i think a lot of B43's went to australia
  21. just sayin . my truck is painted PPG ditzler 40496 Mack green.
  22. 40496 is the PPG or old Ditzler code for old Mack exterior dark green NOT the interior green. the interior green is anyones guess. your best bet is take the backside of glovebox to a paint place and have them zap it with the gun and mix a color. the color varied throughout the years. the older B models were more metallic and the newer ones were a straight color. it probably came in a 55 gallon drum and if it settled in the drum, thats the color you got.
  23. yup, as i get older im assured but the fact that i really cant stand kids anymore, especially around my vehicles. kids have no respect and the welfare parents they are with half the time thing your vehicle is a jungle jim. i dont mind people opening my doors and lookin but little bratty snot nosed kids who are with their parents who are too busy on their cell phones to watch them annoy me haha. this year at Balston Spa i was standing around the back of my truck having an adult beverage just hanging out when these two punky older kids walk by my truck and go ''look, he has a chrome dog, the gold dogs means its original, he must have something non mack on that thing'' obviously not knowin the gold dog was never on a F in B model. 95% of the people at truck shows are nice people tho. had one guy piss me off tho at Balston Spa. he was an older guy, had a B42, Barn fresh. had a little B series Cummin in it repowered. he had truck for sale. no one was around but his fat ass wife sittin in the truck cause obviously the truck show was boring. asked her if i could look under hood to see how the engine fit. she goes, youll have to ask my husband, he doesnt like people touchin his stuff. found him, asked him, his response,'' if you wanna buy the damn truck, ill show you, im tired of tire kickin assholes and dont have the time'' i asked if i could see the mounts cause i have a B42. his response,'' well obviously you have to be mechanically inclined and make your own mounts, it wont just bolt right in''. at that time my better half walked away cause she was about to say something.i go ''im pretty good at it, i built that nice green and black B model over there''. he goes, ''oh, thats yours'', i go yup and it had a 413 chrysler in it when we got it and i changed it all over an still have the engine''. he goes'' oh, maybe id be interested in it'', my response,''' i dont have the time, im tired of tire kickin assholes'', and walked away... of course this was after lunch and 3-4 cold ones.
  24. heres a question since everyone says Pa is tough to drive thru. whats the best route from Somerset Pa to the NYS border? not necessarily the quickest, the less trouble from the law/scales route haha
  25. if it was close to me id pick it up for a grand. the back panel usually needs attention on most all of them a little unless they are a real gem and its all flat steel patches so its not that difficult. if you figure it out its worth over a grand just in scrap value.
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