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Everything posted by Muladzh

  1. Thank you, I have to wait until I have enough money to do the repair, but I have looked at it and don't see anything in particular that shouts broken. At the end of the month I will get dirty and try fixing it.
  2. Thank you for that information, I will have a look in daylight.
  3. When I get it fixed I have no plans as to where we are going next - just travelling around. I came to this area to visit with friends. I may end up going to Texas later in the year, but have a wish to see the Atlantic before then. If fuel would get reasonable I could go more places, but this cost is hurting.
  4. Thank you for the replies, guys, I have pretty useless internet so I did not get back on until tonight, so I missed the posts. The truck has power steering added after it was bought, don't know if it gets power from the compressor. I tried getting pictures today, but the camera was out of batteries - I will try again tomorrow. I don't actually know where the compressor is - I am not the best mechanic anywhere, so have difficulties identifying things.. Terrible thing to admit, but that is the truth. What I do know is nothing seems to look like the one I had on a Frieghtliner with a Detroit a few years back.
  5. That is a good looking truck - I like the colour scheme - I could with repainting this old one of mine that colour.
  6. Mackie has blown the Air compressor - luckily I managed to get situated in an RV park, but we stay here till fixed. Maxidyne 285 engine, 1978 vintage. I am having a hard time finding a compressor to change out, I am in Baileyton, Tennessee, exit 36 I 81 and need to find a compressor, but can't find anywhere that stocks such an old truck's parts. We have been travelling around for the last three years, staying for months in various places, still living in the Mack, and loving it. However this last month has had a few problems - had to replace the rears after an inner blew out and ripped the wheel arch - got the sheetmetal fixed waiting for the tire guy to show up - that was in the middle of nowhere on I 84, in construction east of Burley. Got a new tire from Schwabs but the other three were in pretty bad condition, so $2k later I had new rears. Then the mileage went down some, don't know why, but I went from 11 to about 9 mpg. Still haven't figured that one out. Then we pulled all the way to Tennessee with no more problems, until I fuelled up at the Petro, I 81 exit 36 - heard the compressor start rattling. I finished filling up, and drove 300 yards to an RV park. By the time I got there the suspension was flat, but I managed to get situated before the brakes locked. Most of the time I have not had internet, so that is why I haven't been posting anything - three years with no internet makes for a very quiet life. I have had a few friendly waves from Mack trucks over the years so I reckon I must have seen some of you guys on the road. Anyway, I am stuck, fortunately in a good place, without a compressor, and don't know where to find one, or how much to pay. I have to admit I ain't really sure how to replace the thing either - never had one go on me before. Somewhere, in one of the lockers is a service manual for the truck, I need it to stop raining so I can search for it. ( no awning on this truck, so I can't unload the lockers until things will stay dry.) Any info greatly appreciated.
  7. That is a nice looking Superliner.
  8. Mack Motorhomes are pretty good.
  9. That is one sweet looking truck. Maybe I should paint Mackie yellow.
  10. Changed our plans today. Now we are in Caldwell ID, for a month.
  11. We will be somewhere in Winnemucca for the next two months - I'll find out where, when I get there.
  12. I saw you passing on Monday, Bigen - have a safe one.
  13. It was great meeting you, Bigen, and that good looking Mack of yours. We will be here in Wells until the end of the month, then we will be heading for Winnemucca, staying there for at least a month, then don't know where we be at.
  14. I spent about four hours on Hanks yesterday.
  15. I asked my lady if she could bend like that... she threw to chihuahua at me.
  16. Thank you, great pictures.
  17. I have to agree that the Trucks are more eye candy to me. If I spent as much time looking at girls I would be in trouble, but I can look at good looking Macks all day long.
  18. Thank you for the reply, I will get an alignment, and go from there. I will also get the thermocouple and fix that.
  19. The Pyro gauge on my truck is not functional, what is likely to be the problem and how can I fix it? I am capable of doing things, just don't know much. Also, how does the fancy chrome and leather Mack steering wheel come off - the steering wheel points right when going straight, I want to fix that but can't see how the shiny horn button comes off to get at the bolt. I don't want to attack it wrongly and spoil it. That's it for things stumping me so far... Probably have tons of other questions soon.
  20. That is a nice looking Truck, more ideas of what to add to mine.
  21. Thank you for the great pictures - I really like your truck, it is giving me plenty of ideas for mine.
  22. Nice looking truck! A video of the pipes in action would be great - an inspiration no less.
  23. That is a cute looking Mastiff.. I would like to have one, but where would one fit, in the Mack? The good thing about about the Mexican Rat dog, is he doesn't take up much room.
  24. Thank you for that link - just the thing I want, Pity I am not rich, it will have to wait a few months, but less than $4000 for a custom bar to fit an R model is pretty good.
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