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Everything posted by Dieselfixer

  1. Hi All I have a 06 CHN613 with the 460 engine. I have oil in the intake pipe between the air filter and turbo. The only way I can see that this oil is getting there would have to be from the air compressor. A friend of mine was telling me there was a Mack service bulletin dealing with this problem. He thinks the bulletin is SB-261-012. I have searched online for this SB but can't find it anywhere. Anyone have any dealings with this problem or have access to this SB? Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the reply. I found the problem. Forgot the check valve is mounted to the firewall and not the air tank.
  3. Hi All I'm having a bit of a brain freeze here. Working on 95 CH613, Builds 120 lbs primary air but only 100 lbs secondary. Secondary comes up slower than primary. Truck has 2 air tanks mounted in front of the right fuel tank. AD9 drier, no check valves that I can see. Ideas?
  4. Thanks for the replies, I sent the 1st sample to Castrol's Labcheck. I sent another today to the local Caterpillar dealer here. I'll see what it comes back as. I do have a bulk oil tank here but I have 17 other trucks running on the oil from the same tank and they are fine.
  5. Hi All; I have a problem with a RD690S that is got me going a bit crazy. The truck came in with low oil pressure. I checked the oil level and it was way up on the stick and Very thin. I was not sure if the driver may have added hydraulic oil to it instead of 15/40 motor oil so I changed the oil and filters and the oil pressure was back to normal. About 9 days later it did it again, oil very thin, way up on the stick and low oil pressure. I sent a oil sample out expecting to have it come back with a load of fuel in it. The sample came back with <1.0 fuel, < 0.1 water, and neg glycol. Anyone have any ideas on this problem? I'm going to send another sample to a different lab and see if it comes back the same as the 1st sample. Thanks
  6. Hi All Does anyone know what the normal oil pressure is for an E7-300 engine? I have 1 here that is only showing 15lbs at cold start. I think it is way too low.
  7. The adjustment is pretty much the same, remove the lock plate, hold the pedal down and turn the "lugs" on the adjuster ring clockwise to increase freeplay. There is a tool for adjusting that style. http://www.amazon.com/OTC-7028-Clutch-Adjusting-Wrench/dp/B0002SREQS
  8. any pics of the hood? Any idea of the year truck it will fit?
  9. Hi All I have a 06 CHN613 that has a leaking exhaust manifold gasket. There is a sticker on the air intake line that says you have to be certified by the North American Institute to work on the injector lines and if they are removed they must be replaced. Anyone ever had any experience with this? I have to remove the injector lines to replace the manifold gaskets but I see no reason to have to replace all of the injector lines. The truck has the 460 engine in it.
  10. Yep thats where it is. When you change the thermostat be sure to change the seal that is in the housing.
  11. Hi all Having a problem with a 95 CH613 headlights. The problem is no low beam headlights. Tried changing the hi beam switch(turn signal switch) Checked bulbs, checked fuses. I have no wiring diagram for this truck. Only high beams work. Any ideas? Thanks.
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