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Everything posted by Brian

  1. That is one sweet looking super puppy It looks a whole lot like one that used to be in my part of the country. Would be real nice if I could find out if it is the same one. Block
  2. I agree the old 673 should handle your needs. If you are looking for more road speed you could go to a faster rearend or maybe an aux. tranny if you have the room. To me either one of these projects is less work than a engine and or main tranny swap, buy to each his own. If my math is anywhere close to right your truck with the trd 67 and 4.25 ratio rearend at 2100 rpm will top out at about 60 mph with 10.00-20 or 11-22.5 and about 62 to 63 mph with 10.00-22 or 11-24.5 tires
  3. Shamrock that is one good looking B-Model. Did you send your serial number to the ol Fuzzy Buzzard so that he can put it in the B-Model registry?
  4. Barry here is a picture of a single axle L-Model wrecker I hope i can get the picture downloaded Block
  5. The fifth annual antique truck show hosted by the Wabash Valley Chapter of the ATHS. Will be held on May 12 2007 on Main Street in Historic New Harmony In. Starting at 9:00 a.m. rain or shine. NOTE WE WILL BE HAVING THE SHOW IN A NEW LOCATION THIS YEAR.
  6. Happy New Year to everyone. Barry what time is the Chat room going to fire up tonight? I have missed not being able to chat on there Block
  7. I have driven some R-600s in the 79 to 81 year model range that had Mack am/fm radios in them, they had a bulldog on the faceplate. Block
  8. Tom tell your friend to check the vent on top of the transmission if it is clogged up it can cause it to leak, the same can also apply to rearends. Block
  9. The first year of production for the R-Model was 1965. The few R-400s that I have seen or saw pictures of were powered by some sort of Mack gas engine.
  10. One simple way to run dual exhaust, although it is not stock parts is to mount a piece of square tubing on the frame behind the cab weld caps on the ends weld a piece of pipe into the top for your two chrome straight pipes to mount to and get mounts that go on top and you are ready to go. Block
  11. 77mackr, I have all of my insurance with State Farm, and they have a antique vehicle program, I have my 2 macks insured with them, I dont know if they will sell a stand alone antique policy or knot. You have a real nice looking R-Model there, does it still have a winch? what kind? where are you located? I am currently driving a 74 R-700 with a similar rig up. Block.
  12. Bumper photos cont. Bumper photos cont.
  13. E. S. D. just because these trucks have been setting for a long time they may still run. I bought three B-Models once that had been setting outside for over twenty years, Nd after just a little work they all 3 ran. If they are for the most part complete,and not stuck I would get them and try to get them running, then depending on how much work you want to do from there you can sell them as a running truck, and save from the scrapmans torch. Block
  14. Ken, the high bid on this truck was $9700.00 an it did sell. Block.
  15. Thad, The truck you are asking about is a B-71 I think it was the first B-Model built to accept a Cummins engine, that is the reason the hood and radiator extend out past the front fenders. Blocl
  16. Sorry, I do not have any other good pictures of the front suspension, I am not sure if it was built that way or not, the front area of the frame showed signs of being changed. The serial number on this truck is LJWS 6X4 LJ2D2399D, maybe someone can tell us from the serial number if it was built as a twin steer. Block.
  17. Barry thanks for covering my back. Block.
  18. Cml Service, What are the fuel tanks and battery boxes off of ? How much are you asking? And where are you located? Block.
  19. Here are some pictures of a 1949 LJWS twin steer oilfield rig up truck recently at auction in Grayville Il.
  20. Barry the truck had a Mark 4 or 5 add on I dont remember which but it has all been taken off going to try and find same thing to put back on it Block.
  21. Try the MACK museum they will copy one for you if they have one, they are open on Mon. Wed. and Fri. their phone number is 610-266-6767 Block.
  22. Barry, this post is not related to this forum, but I have been wanting to ask you if you have or know where there are any brackets to mount an A/C compressor on a ENDT 865 Thanks Block.
  23. Fred on your question about the chili, in the past it was always made by Jennifer Martin I think thats her first name Kurts wife, but as you probably know Kurt has been real sick so I dont know if she will cook it again this year or not. I am going to talk to Bill Osmon and see. Either the Wabash Valley Chapter or myself will be willing to help pay for the supplies to make the chili. As for the question about joing the White River Valley club I dont know for sure, but because the Wabash Valley Chapter calls this an event of theirs I always get a certificate of insurance from A.T.H.S. talk to me about this later. Block
  24. Madscout, The show you asked about at Elnora, In. will be held on Sept.8,9 and 10 of the year, really a good show for all old iron cars, trucks, and farm machinery. Hope to see you there, also the Wabash Valley Chapter of A.T.H.S. is planning to have a meeting on Sat. evening a 5:00p.m.? local time, everyone is welcome. Block
  25. Bulldogbred If the picture of the bumper that superdog posted is the one you need I have one that I am not going to use. Block
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