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Everything posted by 6v71

  1. Finally got my EG finished. I've been using it as a daily driver for couple weeks now. It'll run 55 no problem, 60 if I'm feeling brave. The hydrovac is allowing brake fluid from the master cylinder to be drawn into the engine. Master goes dry after couple hundred miles. So the hydrovac needs a rebuild. Not many sources for this anymore. Has anybody had this done recently? About all I can find on line is Ed Strain/ White Post restorations. I called and they claim they can rebuild it, but, I wanted to check with you guys first. It's a Bendix tandem piston, 9.5 diameter. Part # 374300 Thanks s
  2. 6v71

    Work boots

    I've had two pair of Wesco boots and two pair of White"s boots over the years. I think they are the best boots you can buy. Both pairs of Wescos have been sent back and rebuilt twice. Wesco seems to be getting a bit uppity and their prices are getting out of hand. First pair I bought in 96 cost me 280. That same boot today would be over 500. Chippewa makes a good solid, made in USA logger for around $300.
  3. Very nice. I like your fabrication skills. Looking forward to seeing it run. It'll be interesting to see how it performs.
  4. I got a set from Neil Kauppila. Thanks everybody.
  5. Haven't called John. Didn't think he was still in the business. Was right by his place on Thanksgiving.
  6. Having a hard time trying to find door weatherstrip for a EG cab. Original style is rubber U shaped and held in place by a metal retainer running around cab door opening. Has anybody here found some type of replacement that will work or have any ideas? Thanks
  7. Hardly obsolete. As an locomotive mechanic, I work on them every day. EMD645 is the best engine GM ever produced. The two stroke Detroit is still used widely in locomotive, marine, stationary power plant and off road construction. Detroit powered Mack seems like the best of both worlds to me.
  8. Seems it would be easier to make the holes slightly oversize, then turn some new pins to fit.
  9. If only it had a 12V71 in place of the boring 3408.
  10. Sweet. Looks like it has top loaded rears in the video. Is that possible?
  11. I think they used to deliver heating oil to our house in the late 70's. I'll ask my folks.
  12. Ha! I remember that company. I grew up in Hanover PA.
  13. Super cool. Wonder if the rest of the driveline was updated to handle the additional torque.
  14. Can't imagine why anybody would have a problem with this executive order. It's only a temporary ban imposed on 7 countries who seethe hatred for the United States. Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, Libya and Yemen. Look at the names on that list. Any events come to mind? Those countries have committed numerous acts of terrorism toward our country and it's citizens over the decades. There's plenty of countries that enjoy un-restricted travel to and from the US. Those being countries whose citizens don't have a tendency to blow up our ships and drag our dead soldiers through the streets. I'm supposed to feel sorry for a handful of muslims who get inconvenienced. Pleeease! Trump is doing exactly what he should be doing. Making decisions based on what's in the best interest of America and its citizens. Ford has a problem with that? Ford needs to focus on building cars and stay out of national security issues.
  15. Enjoyed your video. Nice job
  16. Now that's a good looking truck. 318?
  17. Why is this A hole still alive? Shot in the arm? Are you kidding me? Should have been drug from the car and shot in the head on the spot.
  18. A thread on red Fords? OK, here's mine from the 90's when I lived in Anchorage. 64 F250 factory 4x4 with a 312 V8. Thing was a tank.
  19. Too bad it's clear out in MT, otherwise, I'd be on it.
  20. Man, sure are hard on your tools. Looks like they went through a fire.
  21. Cool, a Mack with a Detroit. Now we're getting somewhere.
  22. Don't see anywhere in his post where he's advocating shutting down the EPA. Theme of this thread is simply reigning in a grossly out of control government agency. All of this fuss is being caused by three environmental groups, one of them being the Sierra club, suing the EPA for not forcing Fairbanks to comply with the Clean Air Act. Now the city is being pressured to act on it's residents and surrounding boroughs. As they say, crap rolls downhill. Another case of liberals poking their noses into business that doesn't concern them. I've spent allot of time in Fairbanks and the North Pole and I can guarantee nobody up there is whining about air quality. People up there don't want anything to do with the lower 48 and the nonsense that goes on down here.
  23. Great explanation of the two designs. Thanks
  24. Don't know too much about the camel back suspension, but I'm very familiar with the the older military 6x6 set-up and they appear to be basically the same minus the rubber blocks on the spring tips and a slightly different arrangement of the torsion bars. Spring packs swinging on a trunnion shaft with axles mounted on spring tips. If you just want to see the system in action, you might have better luck looking a footage of military trucks crawling through rough terrain.
  25. Not quite a day and a half. They are GMT or Z time +10. Or Z time +9:30 for Alice Springs. We're Z -5 here on the East coast. I used to fly in there about once a month as a C-17 loadmaster.
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