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rhasler last won the day on November 28 2012

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  1. Three of a kind: Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs -- Foggy Mountain Breakdown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_Y3mnj-8lA Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs -- Flint Hill Special: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZ5SzHd8-gY Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs -- Cripple Creek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4sqishGuYw
  2. I wouldn't be surprised
  3. “Rome has grown since its humble beginning that it is now overwhelmed by its own greatness.” -- Livy
  4. Just wanted to let you know that my uncle drove a rs755lst daycab pulling a lowboy for several years during the mid-late 1980's in Atlanta, ga. It had a caterpillar 1693ta, he said it was 380 horsepower, 13 over trans, red and white paint. It was sold to a man named BO Cropper in the late 1980's.

  5. http://www.today.com/health/6-year-old-girl-asks-holiday-cards-her-last-christmas-1D80339300?cid=sm_fbn No comment except to say that this little girl and her sisters would love to have some Christmas cards. If you, or any members of you're family (especially kids in the same age range), are interested in making a few cards to send this family would love to have them.
  6. The Mack sign out front was replaced today, ain't she purty?
  7. Trucker Brian Miner was driving through Illinois this week when he says he saw an officer of the law pass him traveling well over the posted speed limit. He says that the officer was on his cellphone as well. Mr. Miner, like most of us does not like the above the law, double-standard of police, so he took action by honking his horn to pull the officer over. What happens next is an amazing transformation.
  8. Switch to Linux. It's free and pretty comparable feature-wise to Windows. If you need to you can even install both on the same computer. http://www.ubuntu.com/
  9. You hit the nail on the head there. You can opt out, device still stays on. Just like a cell phone or anything else connected to a network, it's always trackable.
  10. It looks like this load of supplies is in Ohio, this would be a great way to give the classic truck community a serious boost. PM me if you are interested and I'll get you in contact with him.
  11. I know of a guy that has some medical supplies and food that needs a tractor/trailer to move to OKC, if anyone is interested in helping out I can get you in touch with him to hash out the details.
  12. Gun owners refuse to register under New York law http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/14322-gun-owners-refuse-to-register-under-new-york-law
  13. http://www.kptv.com/story/20596938/local-sheriff-tells-vp-biden-i-will-not-enforce-new-gun-regulations?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=8195474
  14. 6-4 fault code is for the 1939 datalink. The cable allows high speed communication between the EECU (engine) and the VECU (cab). There is a harness connector (triangle shaped) in the engine compartment near where the steering shaft comes out of the cab. Check the wires on both sides for damage.
  15. one word: NULLIFICATION
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