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Everything posted by rhasler

  1. Ah, so that's where you've been. Well, just so long as Killer B is OK i guess we'll forgive your prolonged absence. We're gonna have to get you and Mark the Furniture Man together. He's one truck backing-up son-of-a-gun. If only those guys up North could give him directions on how to get back out of Mass. (I'm only here to get directions on how to get away from here). Now we know that's not going to happen.
  2. You should also be able to set up "temporary drop outs" to make the EHT reengage after the clutch switch returns to the closed position. As for an overheat situation causing the problem, I wouldn't think so, but I've seen bad diodes in mixer body applications (in the hydraulic cooling fan circuit) keep the engine running when a breeze was blowing the fan enough to make it turn.
  3. When the lightning bolt is lit you should be able to get a blink code by turning the cruise control on/off switch to off and then press the set/resume button. The lightning bolt will begin to flash a fault code made up of two numbers separated by a brief pause. If the light flashes 1 time, pauses, and then flashes 7 times then you have a 1-7 fault code (low coolant level). You will probably be looking for a 1-1 (oil pressure), 1-7 (coolant level), or 2-1 (coolant temperature) fault code if the engine is shutting down.
  4. A 2002 CH613 will have VMAC III controls. There is no cruise control relay. Cruise control is instead controlled by the VECU. By default the cruise control will drop out if the accelerator, clutch, or brake pedal are pressed while the cruise control/electronic hand throttle is active. In addition to these "drop out" conditions it is possible to have "customer defined statements" programmed to drop out the cruise/EHT. With custom body installations, such as mixers of trash trucks, there are often custom drop outs programmed. I would start out by checking the clutch switch. The engine brake also operates off of the clutch switch input to the VECU, so if you also get some comlaints about the engine brakes operation that would be a good place to start looking.
  5. These were emailed to me in a power point which were converted to jpeg. Some really big trailers, equipment, and European trucks.
  6. Congrtulations on being so overzealous with you right hand, I've seen worse. How many bids were there for "Peaches" there? The differentials should be CRDL(P)( C). The "L" indicating that they are a lightweight version as compared to the cast housings. They have been discontinued for some time, but do turn up from time to time as non-Mack rebuilt units. If you have two of them I would guess that they were original to the truck. Shame about the missing Bulldog.
  7. It seems like I had one a while back that had the siganl line to the governor pinched part of the way shut during a frame rail job that did something similar.
  8. Thank you Barry, ol' Porky was getting tired of having his pigtail tested!
  9. This one looks a lot better. It's amazing how much difference a few pinstripes and accents can make.
  10. EGR flow rate too high.
  11. Congratulations to your son and daughter-in-law. Nice choice with of caps, you just need a Bulldog tie, tie clip, cuff links, etc. to go with it.
  12. Now we know where this came from.
  13. Not to mention the gaping hole in the concrete that was threatening to swallow up your Vision if you got too close!
  14. "So I said to him, "Barack, I know Abe Lincoln, and you ain't Abe Lincoln ." WHY DOESN'T OBAMA USE THIS FAMOUS LINCOLN QUOTE: You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves. ... Abraham Lincoln
  15. Nor do you want to get sprayed with decades worth of compressor pumped engine oil that may be residing in the air tank!
  16. Yes, you can, and should, check for air in the fuel so as to make sure of where the air is entering the system. Mostly electronic at the moment If changing to steel injector cups all must be replaced. If this is the case you injector trim codes will need to be programmed as well (codes are on the injector wiring harness connector, four alpha-numeric characters). If replacing with copper cups the codes are already programmed, just keep them in the same cylinders they were removed from. DO NOT CLEAN THE INJECTOR TIPS, YOU WILL DAMAGE THE SPRAY PATTERN AND VOID YOUR WARRANTY.
  17. Yep. That's just the short version.
  18. The injector cups are surrounded by by coolant. Usually the cups don't crack, instead combustion gas from the cylinders tends to burn out the sealing washers at the base of the injectors causing the o-rings that seal the fuel passages to disentegrate and drop fuel from the injectors.
  19. Welcome to BMT, I think you'll like it here. That's a nice looking truck, what is the truck you have parked next to it?
  20. They are NOT interchangeable.
  21. When you say you are getting fuel to the valve do you mean that you're getting fuel all the way to the seventh injector (or AHI)? If so, have you checked the seventh injector tip to see if it's plugged with carbon buildup?
  22. I think probably around the time the "facelift" hood was introduced, 1988 or 89 maybe.
  23. Make sure the EUP you installed was a 313GC5230M(X). Did you have the new cal code programmed? We got some ReMack injectors that wouldn't pop at the correct pressure not too long ago. Did you do anything with the camshaft and lifters while rebuilding? The lifters for that engine have ceramic rollers that are prone to damage if not handled carefully.
  24. For a minute there I thought you were trying to make up to Mama Rob for buying the winch truck.
  25. I can see it now.... "This just in from the Channel 8 Action Weather Center, Hurricane Obama is wrecking everything in sight, and Tropical Storm Pelosi promises more of the same in the days ahead..."
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