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Superdog last won the day on July 28 2019

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About Superdog

  • Birthday 04/06/1967


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    Mack Trucks
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Community Answers

  1. Hey super dog, you still have a cab over for me? 

  2. Did you buy this truck from a man in Iowa a few years ago?
  3. Ever since they redid this site a few years ago,I have to jump thru hoops just to log in,and never got any emails,kinda funny cause I get emails when I have a private message in here.
  4. Been way too busy trucking to be on computer,but I saw no mention of Watt's annual Xmas sale in here when I looked. Anybody know if they had it? I always try to buy a set or 2 of the hubcaps when they're on sale.
  5. Yes I still have it ,and no its not for sale,my son has promised to dig a big hole and bury me in it when I die.
  6. I was going to pull motor for the '71 I ended up selling to Kamp's,but I just never could bring myself to knock it in the head,a hood and some paint and it'd be a nice little tractor. Damn thing holds air better than most new trucks.
  7. 1977 R685ST,under 400k actual miles,237.5 speed,4:17's on Camelback,runs good,solid cab,super clean frame,$2500 firm.
  8. My Great Grandpa was a IH farm machinery dealer from the 'early 30's until 1950.That's how my Grandpa got started trucking livestock,he would deliver new tractor or whatever with a D series IH,then fold rack up and haul the horses or or cows that were traded back to town.When Grandpa started trucking full time,he always ran gas pwered IH trucks until 1970,when he bought Dad a GMC Crackerbox,then started buying Macks from '72 on,so I have a soft spot for those as well as the Farmall tractors. Currently I have 3 K models,2 L models,2 R190's,a 1600 Loadstar,and a S2575.
  9. I'll email you a guys number,he has several of the old B's and may be able to help you out,He ended up with the 3 I had.
  10. It woulkd have a ENDT673C,250 hp according to Serial # tag
  11. He's probabably thinking that because of the air cleaner having 2 tubes,probably never seen one of the old style aircleaners
  12. Glenn,can you send me some pics of the '67?
  13. it would be a nice truck if frame wasn't rotten, has a 2 valve 350 with a 13 speed.
  14. about the same I'd guess,gotten rid of several,and done alot of trading
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