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    WPB Fl.

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  1. Hey hatcity, I feel ya pain down in wpb. Just sold my superliner dump,cheap of course. Have 2 petes 2 internationals tractors, couple off piggybacks and 4 flatbed trailers trying to sell. Gonna take my KW and go on the road till this economy changes. I need steady work or i go stir crazy
  2. they would have to be tacos!!
  3. , A new business opportunity with a huge upside ! A friend of mine just started his own business making landmines that look like prayer rugs. ... It's doing well. He says prophets are going through the roof. Do you want to buy some stock?
  4. Ken, the constant air coming from that air line returns the shift fork to the normal position when you flip the air switch on the dash. The trick is the air pressure coming from the air switch has to be greater to engage the low hole shifter. Once you flip the switch to normal position that air pressure returns the the shift fork to direct hence the lock out releases the shifter. if that makes any sense
  5. there is some sort of diode on the hot side of the resistor. if i cross each end and the fan switch is on high then the fan blows your hat off
  6. Hey Hey, watch that fancy wordage, I am a owner operator and all my trucks are old enough to drink
  7. i only have 1 mack dealer here. How would i go about getting it cause my dealer says that mack does not stock it anymore
  8. I am going to take a pic of it and go to freightliner cause i think you is right Thanks Rich PS high speed does not work with this resister.
  9. where can i get a blower motor resistor for a 87 superliner. dealer says no got! man I have a lot of trouble trying to get the simple things for this truck
  10. that notch is where the detent ball sits!!
  11. this is a broken and a good lock out
  12. The air piston the actuates that low gear is to the drivers side of the shift tower. The low hole will only work in 1st speed as there is a lock out preventing it to engage in any other gear. I had a simular problem so i removed the shift plate on top of tranny wich is the one that the shift tower connects to and low and behold the lock out was broke and the broke piece was probaly chewed up by the tranny. if i can figure out how to post a pic i have a good lock out mechanism and i will post it up. I learned a lot about this tranny in a very short time. Some of the experts on this site guided me through it so you came to the right place. HOOOAH!
  13. Hat, You have steel lines that run up your knuckle boom? As good of an operator that we think we are sometimes when we get cocky ,we catch a treee limb on a hose at the knuckle and that in turn tears up your piping correct? I use a shop in west palm called maco hose and rubber. If they dont have it then they dont make it. I have know these dudes forever back when i was land clearing and wood grinding. we had prentice 120 knuckles feeding the grinders and that was a common thing. Tel # 561 795 6200
  14. isn't that some kind of hot sause?? just kiddin! and it is pronounced whista correct?
  15. where in boston??
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