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  1. I have a 1986 Mack Superpower with able sleeper,it is a 48 inch crawl thru. type. Tengine is ae6 350 4v ,9sod mack,4.64 live tandem. It is in clean condition with a new interior, all dash lights work. I bought the last fiber optic cable available to replace old one. T his truck has dual exhaust that is formed around the sleeper. Body has a few sracthes and one small crack. I also have a parts manual specific to vin number,as well as engine,transmission,electrical,air conditioning,and electrical manuals for this truck. First 10000 or as close to it gets it. L ocated in. Texas. 361 788 3294
  2. Found the problem, couldn't figure out where the air to power the air bag switch was. The air for the switch comes from the treadle valve(brake pedal) . A quarter inch air line leads to a valve on the firewall just underneath where the wire harness is. Took valve apart and reassembled, works fine now. The valve to air up the bags comes off of one of the air tanks.
  3. Thank you Bulldog for your idea, I will follow the line out maybe its pinched somewhere or the mice came back. Thomas it isn't the summer or winter air that concerns me,its the fact that I have trumpet hooked up to the exhaust on the valve. It plays "Tapps" as the bags deflate.
  4. On my superliner I have a Neway suspension,it airs up fine but I can",t get the switch on the dash to work. With the truck running and the bags full of air the switch is useless. I have even removed the switch to see if air would come out of the 2 lines but nothing happened. Does anyone know if it uses air to exhaust the bags? My parts manual shows that one line goes to a air manifold on the firewall, I cracked that like and no air was present. Any suggestions appreciated.
  5. I had this same problem on a company truck, its a 2012 CXU. I got a hammer and tapped on the starter a couple of times and it started. If you have any problems like that call the 1 800 number for mack and a tech usually can offer advise on your problem
  6. Thanks for the tip on radio shack, I was able or should I say lucky to be able to order from our local Mack dealer. 3 out of the four that I needed are still available from Mack. But the fourth, the one that goes to the air conditioner isn't made any more, but was in inventory at another dealer.
  7. the fiber optic light strip that lights up my air conditioner and various locations on my dash have gone out. I replaced the bulb that supplies the light to the strips , but the light seems to go only a couple of inches and quits. I know these are kind of fragile and they don't take much abuse. Has anyone tried to buy these. this truck was built in 1986.
  8. If you log on to Red Dot , a air conditioner manufacter ,they have a mack section that lists replacement parts and part numbers. The only problem ia that you have to buy from a authorized dealer. I have a 1986 superliner and have the round vents. They don't stock the round ones but I have seen the square ones.
  9. I can't explain how that post had the lines going thru it. Fat fingers I guess.
  10. I put in a order for those Dynamats, the best price I found was from Summitt Racing.It costs 150.00 for32 square feet. Other sites were charging up to 220. for the same stuff.
  11. I am tearing everything out of the interior of my truck. Radical Muslim mice invaded my cab and made two operating centers , one inside the air conditioner, another behind my seat in back of the cab molding. Has anyone used hush mats in your trucks? I took out the floor mats and that old rug looking thing on the firewall. I plan on going back with everything new. Those glue traps are awesome.
  12. Replaced reversing relay on the intake manifold,no more air leaks. I ordered it at Watt's for around 240 bucks. I took the old one apart andthe relay has 2 teflon looking washers inside of it that went bad. The brakes are fine.
  13. It is the service relay that is leaking , and I would be positive that the pancake is old enough to go bad. But can the reversing relay on the manifold be bad? Like I previously mentioned,when the truck is shut off without the brakes set, that valve leaks air so bad you could blow up balloons with it. And with the brakes set nothing happens. Thanks for the brake trouble shooting tip, Iam sure others will appreciate the advice.
  14. I was adjusting a slack adjuster,I had the wheel;s blocked. The air was rushing out the relay so hard that I had to rush the adjustment. That is when I noticed the relay valve on the axle was leaking at the exhaust part of the valve. Thanks for the suggestions.
  15. I have a 1986 rw613 with a E6 four valve engine 350. I have been noticing that when I park the truck ,with the engine off ,with out setting the brakes, air starts leaking out of the valve out of that little hole. It usually takes about 3-4 minutes then the parking brakes lock up. Is this normal? I tried this a couple of times and noticed as the air was leaking from the valve on the manifold, air was leaking from the relay valve on the parking brakes.The air at both places stopped as soon as the brakes locked up. Hints or suggestions greatly appreciated.
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