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Everything posted by KKERGALL

  1. Left side or right side ??
  2. Let me know before you buy one. Will make sure I have it and price. FOB / CT Thanks, Rich
  3. P/N# 316GC184N any interest in a "Reman" water pump ??
  4. any part numbers or casting numbers on old drum ?
  5. Have a brand new Cummins OE flywheel P/N# 3680922 the box got wet in storage so has lite surface rust. Can package and ship FOB / CT new price $ 1753.03 best offer.
  6. Will check and get back to you. Think old service dealer might have the stuff.
  7. 14MF45P1 base 27RU217B (chrome) 27RU217BP2 (gold)


    1965 B61 B-Model1965 B61 B-Model Mack Tandem Axle Tractor Double Wet Line Saw and looked very clean!
  9. 610GC1123
  10. I think there was an adapter they used for tack cable at engine 119AX5800 I think that was the number? Maybe that is binding up?
  11. standard heater switch P/N# 2790-HV25118 updates to P/N# 4428-2T754A
  12. 4428-2T754A think that is right? if not will advise. Plain heater right?
  13. 117KD14 Will double check my old parts book, going from memory ??
  14. Let me know if you need any new push tubes as I know an old dealer that has some NOS. Thanks, Rich
  15. 7MR29P2 / Delco 1116882 Pretty sure I have one if not found yet. Rich
  16. Company "ADS" in MA Agawam area. Plastic drainage piping of all sizes.
  17. No problem, thanks for reply. Will bring them back to him.
  18. Did you ever get your clamps??
  19. Not sure what you are asking, most common siren that was used in the industry is a Federal "Q" of which there are different models? Some where a combination of light and siren.
  20. valve on steering column
  21. Did you find a water pump? Have some if needed. Rich
  22. Have one that looks similar? Make me offer. Rich
  23. Hello, finally got there when he was open, Yes I have three (3) NOS 15QJ16P3 for you. $25.00 ea. plus freight. Thanks, Rich
  24. There is a copper sealing washer on the pump. Not sure where your leak is ? 318GC17C pretty sure P/N# for pump.
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