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Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by Carm

  1. Man thats a lotta size and weight. Holy Cow!
  2. I was there. Holy cow! what a lotta nice trucks. I didnt shoot any photos though. Too caught up in looking around.
  3. Since I live here, I will be going with a couple friends.
  4. Man whatta load!
  5. Wow.... Man thats a lotta wasted rubber....but cool!
  6. Thanks, I'll check it out.
  7. Since you guys are the experts here, I will ask newbie questions. Since I didn't find it yet on the forum, Does the serial number have any specific meaning, as in year, body style, etc. Also on my data plate, it calles it a model 45 S/N 45 S 1240. Since I am very new to Macks, and trucks in general, any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  8. Carm

    New Guy

    Here are some photos. They are the best I have right now. Glad to be aboard!
  9. Hi all. I am new here. I have a 1945 fire engine. I came to look and learn. Thanks!
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