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About navypoppop

  • Birthday 06/22/1949


  • Location
    Winter Haven, Fl.

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    Former US Navy, retired truck driver 45 years and 3 million plus miles, building plastic model trucks and visiting as many old truck stops as I can before they are long gone
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  1. I had one of these type edgers and gave it to my son when we went full time rving. It is a Craftsman with a Briggs&Stratton engine. It does a fine job on edging like your photo shows your "clean shave" on your lawn. I swear by them for trimming and better than a weed wacker turned sideways. Every new season I would clean, replace the oil, new spark plug, new air & fuel filter and new blade and we were good to go. The concrete sidewalk or driveway would play hell on the blades though if you keep getting too close.
  2. Lmackattack, Love the pics and there is nothing like a tip turbine engine. My favorite truck I drove was a R model, 300 Maxidyne and 2 stick 6 speed tyranny. A real work horse.
  3. Me personally I would add stripping around the headlights and front park lamps. But it still is gorgeous any way you do it.
  4. 1982 Mack R model, Cummins engine, tandem axle tractor is my best guess.
  5. I agree with the takeover of a heavy truck company. How about they contact Volvo and bring Mack back to the glory that it once enjoyed. At least a true American icon. Oh and that picture of the 2025 LTL is about one sweet beast of a truck.
  6. Good afternoon to everyone here on BMT. I just wanted to hope that everyone of you contributors and viewers take the necessary precautions during these super hot conditions we are experiencing. I am celebrating my 75th birthday inside our 5th wheel with my wife because it is too unbearable to be outside here in Savannah, Tn. I enjoy all of the posts, pictures and the comments from everyone and I hope to have many more years to enjoy BMT.
  7. Hey Rubber Duck, How is Lounsberry these days? Haven't they become a Liberty Travel Center or something like that? I used to stop there twice a week on my NY run back in the 1970s when they had sit down diner. I haven't been to NY State in over 15 years or so.
  8. I used to build model trucks my entire life from a young age to retirement. We downsized and went rving so there is no room in the 5th wheel for display. One idea that I would offer is to leave the hood as a butterfly opening just like the original. A big yes to the AMT offer.
  9. I can and used to celebrate St. Patrick's day years ago but that was my anniversary date with the ex-wife until I got rid of her. I then found my current angel and 45 years later we still don't recognize March 17.
  10. "Rockin around the Christmas tree!"
  11. I would like to wish everyone here on BigMackTrucks a very happy holiday season expressed in the way that you celebrate because of religion, tradition or ethnic background. Either way the message is the same. I enjoy every post here on BMT even though I personally do not own a Mack myself. I started driving in 1969 on A40, B61-75, R, U and F models and received a plaque from Mack Trucks for 1 million miles in a Mack. All of you here are the best with a vast knowledge of the great Bulldogs and I enjoy reading the forums everyday. So again, Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year.
  12. Thanks everyone foe the update on Skippy. I look forward to her return and updates. Have a great day.
  13. Thanks for the replies everyone. She was such a joy to follow her progress on her B model with the family helping all the way. I hope someone or herself reads this and she can respond.
  14. Does anyone know what happened to Skippy Mack? I followed her posts on her B model but haven't seen her on here for quite awhile. Any contact info would be great.
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