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About werkhorse

  • Birthday 05/05/1975


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    Tasmania australia

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  1. Glad ya like em boy's I'm just sorry that i didn't realise it was Rod's truck while i was up there at the show. The guy I went to the show with had his Isuzu Semi just behind the Trident in the first pic. Rod, Do you remember seeing 3 Windsor Freighter's Isuzu's parked near the truck entry gate ??? me mates was the semi in the middle. I've got some pic's of the other B model at the show too and also the Flinty and a lot ot the newer mack's anyone interested in seeing them???...........................hahaha let me know
  2. I was asked by Rod to show the pictures I took of his truck at the "Penrith Working Truck Show" held earlier this year. So here they are
  3. Well Baz it's not the first time this sort of thing has been tried
  4. Well as far as i know no R400's were ever in Australia so you'd be popular at old truck show's that's for sure
  5. G'Day Darren from Perth it's Darren from Tasmania hehe good to see another Aussie in here
  6. Well I drive a signature 565 in a 2000 KW K104 here in Australia towing a semi at around 45 Tonne GVW most palces I go and appart from having the Monotherm update at 500,000 km's, a turbo at about 700,000 km's and both cam's at 1,000,000 km's it's been relativly trouble free. Now you need to know that this truck/engine towed a B double at around 68 Tonne for the first 5 years of it's life pretty much running 18-20 hr's a day, then moved onto towing a sideloader/swinglift semi which it still tows now at 1,250,000 km's.This involves a lot of idling and low power working and so far it's still going great. I find that when the truck is loaded up the more you put on the truck the better the engine seem's to pull as when I tow a B double on the odd occasion it's only a gear, maybe a gear and a half, down on a semi and Tasmania is a very hilly place to be.
  7. I posted a spec sheet in the V8 864 horespower thread 190 hp @ 2400 rpm 450 lbs/ft @1500 rpm
  8. I alway's thought the FR was the set back axle model
  9. ok here ya go Comp ratio's END864,END864B,ENDD864 = 16.8:1 ENDT864 = 15.2:1
  10. I think i've posted this on here not that long ago but here it is again august 1969 spec's from the Mack manual bottom right last 3 row's gives 3 non turbo and 1 single turbo rating Click to enlarge if your sight is bad they read as follow's END864 = 255 @ 2300 rpm END864B = 270 @ 2300 rpm ENDD864 = 237 @ 2000 rpm ENDT864 = 300 @ 2300 rpm
  11. If your interested in Australian F model's click on this link http://groups.msn.com/TruckMadPeople/mackfmodel.msnw If your interested in more aussie Mack's just scroll down the list on the left hand side
  12. righto here we go engine model: EN330 Firing order: 153624 Spark plug gap: .025" Timing mark:5 degree's BTC (mark located on Fltwheel) Cylinder head torque: 95-100 lb.ft Valve seat angle: 30 degree's Valve clearance-HOT-: Intake .017" " " " " " " " " " " " " " : Exhaust .017 (note: no cold setting's) Valve spring pressure: 48lb @ 2.75" That help at all ??? ?? ??? I have more spec's here infront of me if needed like general electrical piston sizes etc. even have how to instruction's
  13. Try this Thad for the 707 gasser's.......well most if not all Gasser's up to 1956. Taken from Motor's Truck Repair Manual 1956. click to enlarge
  14. From my August 69 Mack manual (cover's B,C,DM,F,U,MBR and R model's) hope it help's.... Click to enlarge
  15. Welcome to another Aussie Driver/Mechanic from Tasmania
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