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Everything posted by werkhorse

  1. Ya like the Super DAWG aye
  2. No barry it's a program called Photomatrix Pro also called High Dynamic Range pictures
  3. Honestly mate I wouldn't have a clue it's not the sort of thing I normally look at haha They all came out with quad's so maybe you can e mail the Aussie Mack website and get the info.
  4. Well I took the picture before Christmas while working on the same job as it. I was carting container's from the school that had been burnt down (book's filing cabinet's desk's etc.) and that was carting rubble away.
  5. been playing with a few of my pictures and thought someone might like this as a screen saver. Is it any good or should I keep trying ???? Thought I'd add this Titan too. And for the B model Fan's. Thank you to Mr.Rob Rose for the original picture
  6. Fan clutch airline ?????????????????
  7. ahh yip it was 320 HP here and the 350 hp was the 688
  8. back then gold = Maxidyne driveline
  9. 685 = 237 HP i know that much lol Did you guy's in the USA have the 612 model number ????
  10. Stab in the dark but i rekon it's an LF with home made guard's not long enough for an LT i could be totally wrong tho
  11. well i know it wasn't hard when i helped do this one but for the life of me i can't remember exactly what we did to fit it in I do know that the "Quad box" didn't last to long behind the "237" as he's since replaced it with a 10 speed air change here's a pic or two
  12. not sure if it is even for sale but i'd luv ta make him an offer
  13. I just wish I had the "Wee Green Foldies" ta swap him for it
  14. Here's one from Tassie-Aussie Click to enlarge
  15. Found this old girl in the corner of a yard i recently went to ( In Tasmania, Australia ) only 32020 Miles Wish i was more cashed up Click to enlarge
  16. LOL yeah sorry it was supposed to read RTOO
  17. RTO12513 is a "double overdrive" is 5th gear position back or forward in the shift pattern????? "double over drives" actually have 3 o/d gear ratio's with top around .70 or something close to that
  18. Ahh i think it was Scania-Vabis wasn't it ????????
  19. Now I'm not 100% sure but ..........that grill here in Aus was used on the V8 's And i believe the second axle is not driven but simply an outer bearing cap with a circlular step as used on some old Atkinson truck's of that era
  20. what is it you need exactly because i've got an old manual with most of the electrical diagram's in it
  21. as a mechanic i've alawy's found that if ya give it a few pumps on the lift pump( as if your bleading air out of it ,but with all the bleeder's closed) till it gets a little harder to pump( slight pressure in the system ) it should start just fine. This is in Tasmania (where i am ) where temps get down to -5 to -10 degree's celcius
  22. glad it helped ya get motivated ( LOL ) i've got a lot of work ahead of me to get them all on here
  23. glad ya like it barry if ya keep an eye on the brochure album on that site ya may just see some other beauties as i scan them
  24. hi fella's just thought ya'all might want to see this brochure i've had in my collection for a few years.I've only just got around to scanning my collection which is going to be a long process. it's dated August 1967 http://community.webshots.com/album/549180836LzXRJF
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