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Everything posted by peelermack

  1. It's been a while since I've posted but I found time to run the old R-600 again. After a new voltage regulator and new batteries and still not charging. I've decided to convert over to an alternator. I know this subject has been discussed many times but can I install the alternator and leave this a positive ground system? The alternator I have purchased is a Meritor ALT 1004. it appears to have three terminals on the back. I would rather not have to replace the battery cable ends because they are soldered on and are posiitve / negative post sized. I would appreciate any feedback.
  2. How much trouble is it to add power steering to a '69 R 600 w/ 237 Maxidyne. I have "armstrong" power steering now that is long on arm and short on strong! Do I need to find a donor R model for the equipment, or will any power steering system work?
  3. Excellent find! I'm proud to say I'm a "millionaire"!
  4. Thanks for the replys. The ole girl spent the first 12 years of her life pulling a flat bed loaded with southern yellow pine lumber. After the lumber company sold out, our local volunteer FD bought her, had the frame streched and added a tanker body. We retired her from fire service this year and I am returning her to tractor service for hay and farm equipment hauling. I just wish the chief would of had a preference for red fire trucks instead of yellow. The original color is green and I hope to eventually put on a new coat of paint.
  5. Here's a couple of pictures of my '69 R685T 237 5 speed.
  6. Here's the switch installed.
  7. I just installed a new brake light switch yesterday on my '69 R 600. I had the opposite problem, mash brake pedal brake lights come on, release pedal, brake lights stay on. This truck hasn't pulled trailer in years. My dad suspected problems in the valve assembly that feeds the air hoses for the trailer. We sprayed WD-40 down inside both sides of the valve (where the trailer air lines screw in) and sure enough, now the brake lights operate properly. My switch is located at the pedal valve (don't know the proper name)and was not the easiest thing to change out. Thanks to the board members for the switch part #.
  8. Thanks, I will give them a call. I might as well have asked my local dealer for a starter button for the space shuttle.
  9. Does anyone have the part # for a rebuild kit to repair the brake light switch with the plastic top on a '69 R685?
  10. Great looking truck! I hope to have my '69 looking that good one day.
  11. Great looking truck! Good Luck!
  12. Hello everyone, I recently aquired a '69 R 600 I have known all my life. From '69 to '82 she was used at a lumber co. to pull a flat bed & shavings trailers. In fact my dad & I hauled the last load of lumber from the lumber co. in this truck in '82 when the lumber co. was closed & auctioned. Our local volunteer FD bought the truck, streched the frame and installed a duece & 1/2 body with a 1000 gallon tank. So, since '82 the ol' girl has been tucked away inside the station. Recently, it was decided to retire her so here I am. Hope to ditch the tanker body soon, shorten the frame back to original length and get rid of the lime green paint. I am not an avid poster but have found these boards invaluable with doing tractor restoration. I look foward to participating. Here are a couple of pics. One of me sitting on the fender when I was 5. And the other of the truck in my shed.
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