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hicrop10 last won the day on April 22 2024

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About hicrop10

  • Birthday 05/30/1956


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  1. Looking to put new rims on my old tires.I have 1200x24 tires on old steel wheels.What size do I need to get,I have spoked wheels.
  2. As many of you know I’m restoring my b87.Looking for the weight of the cab so I can build a body rostisserie,I’m thinking 1000 lbs.It will be striped down no doors,seats or anything.
  3. Tks guys will be on the phone tomorrow morning.
  4. Looking for some wheel studs for my B87.They were made by Euclid and the part number is e4987-a ,would like to get 10 of them.They are 3/4-16 on the hub side an the other end is 3/4”-10. Tks for any help.
  5. There’s actually 2 of them.Do a search for R model Mack’s.
  6. There’s a 1972 R model for sale on the Philadelphia FB.I have no interest in it,it’s listed for $10,000.Will try and get you the phone number.
  7. Yes that was my family business.Mr.Morrissey is still active in the business,I believe he is in the mid 80’s.I just retired from them on Nov.8 2024.I ran the old D8L’s they had. Great outfit to wok at.What happened in 2003.
  8. Wonder which quarry that was,he had mostly 88B’s in them.
  9. You can get one at the Mack store online.
  10. I walked into the house from working on my Mack,and was greeted by this.My son got it for me.I was blown away.
  11. Is it for sale and how much
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