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Shawn Barrett

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About Shawn Barrett

  • Birthday 08/07/1988


  • Location
    Allentown Pennsylvania

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  • Interests
    Mack trucks and old Mopars
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Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. http://m.ebay.com/itm/Mack-B-Model-/222065792199?nav=SEARCH
  2. Awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Thanks for sharing. Couldn't make it this year. Glad to be able to see the pics at least.
  4. Of course we want more pictures!
  5. Hey thanks Y'all I appreciate that! Haven't been online much lately, works been crazy. But I had some cake and drank some beers after putting in another day with my trusty old Granite and had a darn good day with lots of well wishing from all my friends. Hows everybody doin? Vinny you get that U model done Yet?!
  6. I halfway expected a note on my seat or something from you Vinny. "Umodelnut was here! Where were you!?" Lol We must have been right next to eachother and didnt realize it. Now that I see the labeled BMT photo, I know I caught a glimpse of Leslie and Mike parking Mikes trucks but other than that I didn't meet anybody face to face. I was planning on making the BMT photo but when it came time I was hung up with some friends. Sorry buddy...next year!
  7. I missed the BMT photo op, but there's always next year. The show was great. Many thanks to all those who work so hard to make sure it happens every year. I was there all day Friday and Saturday and for the first time I had my own rig in the show....Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to spit shine my old truck and come out to play...Heres a picture of my B67 on the field.
  8. Welcome and congratulations on a nice save
  9. I'll second that motion! Damn fine rig
  10. Hehe...hills he says..... Bob theres just one problem. Out here in the far east we have an aweful lot of those things called "hills"....especially in R.I. and CT.
  11. HAHA AWESOME!!! nice pictures
  12. Howdy Howdy! Yep we like pictures around here....what is it that you are having trouble with? We will be glad to help with those pics.
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