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Everything posted by C609T

  1. Haha. Saw that too. Wonder what DOT would say to that ?
  2. Saw the Superliner convoy on 84 around Danbury,ct today very impressive.
  3. I thought a lot of stuff went kinda cheap, expected to see the Sterlings go for more.
  4. Wonder were the stuff that didn't sell will end up ?
  5. Cool ! What are the specs ?
  6. Do you know the prices the b models went for ?
  7. Sorry I was asking about the 1949 diesel in the brush on page 3
  8. Is this truck in Connecticut ?
  9. That came from John Chalmers correct ?
  10. I've looked into these but found the studs not long enough to fit through the bracket with 65 rears. I don't think it's safe to take apart the chamber and install longer studs.
  11. I also own a b81 that I'm trying to install newer brake chambers on. Looking for a better solution to replace the old service cans
  12. I also own a b81 that I'm trying to install newer brake chambers on. Looking for a better solution to replace the old service cans
  13. Does anyone know who got the 3 trucking company signs ?
  14. O&G doesn't have too many Macks left
  15. I beleive that C model was on EBAY around 8-10 years ago
  16. We have a B67 that we converted to 12v and replaced the generator with an alternator, but the alternator keeps breaking the ear off that the long bolt goes through in the bottom of alternater . Everything it tight and belts are straight, does anybody have any idea what the problem could be ? Bracket not strong enough ? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  17. C609T

    Good Eye

    Any pics of the yellow B-model out of the garage looks nice ?
  18. Mmmm would like to know if there are any more EJ Kelly C models out there.We do have a B model from them as well. Would also like to know if there are any more C models in CT?
  19. Where abouts in CT are the these C models? I know the EJ Kelly Co. in Torrington had 4 of them but we got the last one 9 years ago.Wooster Express had quit a few also from Hartford.
  20. Sorry to get off topic but check out the Gerosa M model in the backround under the Hallamore RD tractor on Ebay.
  21. Thank you for the responces. Gunna try oil cooler first. Is that something that has to be sent out and repaired like at a radiator shop? I called Mack and they cant get one.
  22. I got oil in the radiator of a 673. Would it be a bad oil cooler or the head gasket? I do not have any antifreeze in the oil tho. Any help would be appeciated
  23. This 64 B61 came out of Waltham,Ma. Its been in Ct since the early 90s.
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