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Everything posted by dieselerock

  1. Yea that sounds exactly the same as mine, I'm going to try bigger I was using a 3/8 ratchet and couldn't get the last bolt out.
  2. I am trying to change the starter on a 1958 b model. Anyone have any tips or suggestions as to how to remove the bolt next to the block? I got the other 2 out.
  3. 2 of my uncles drove for them also but they are both gone now, I have the owners manual from the b 61 my one uncle drove for them but no one is left around to ask sorry I can't be of more help
  4. I have the manual from Mack for the puff limiter I can look it up and see what everything does if it would help when I can get to the manual at him?
  5. Ok had to show myself went out and hooked jumper cables to the 12 volt starter it does turn the right way. Thanks for all the help
  6. So the clockwise rotation starter will still work?
  7. I have a b model with a end 673 motor, I just finished swapping the generator for an alternator, I was hoping to also swap the starter, I have a 42 mt 12 volt 11 tooth clockwise rotation starter. The starter on mine is located on the drivers side at the top of the bell housing. My question is, maybe I am seeing or thinking wrong, but don't I need the starter to turn counter clockwise to be correct with the starter on this side of the motor?
  8. Do you have the things that hold the hood up while open? My truck is missing them and the broom handle is getting old as a prop.
  9. I have read on here to fix this problem you can take the delivery valves out and tap the plungers back down and move them up and down to free the pump up. My question is, how do you get the delivery valves out?
  10. if you need any help my grandfather was a mechanic for Mack and i have the factory manual for he motor the original owners manual and the factory maintenance manual for the 673 and the b-61 if you need any help or info just let me know
  11. if you need any info my grandfather was a mack mechanic and i have the factory service manual for the puff limiter on the r models id be glad to help you out with any info you need
  12. the markers just havent been replaced yet we painted it and made it useable lots of work left to do yet. also restores 2 tractor this year and kinds short on funds to finish everything but it will be in time and yeah i could be interested in the chrome

  13. thanks tomorrow we got a pull to go to and we are taking two tractors not just the one so the truck will get a little more of a workout

  14. this is a picture of one of the reasons i got my b-61 and it does a great job.
  15. Name: mack b-61 (1958) Date Added: 04 July 2011 - 12:26 AM Owner: dieselerock Short Description: my mack project truck View Vehicle
  16. well the bed came off of mine wednesday its gonna be a road truck for hauling old tractors. its gonna be awesome

  17. yeah im still yong so im having fun and getting my toys now. if i got "em when u meet me me you cant complain when i work on "em. even though the girl im hanging out with took me the show in macungie for the first time.
  18. thanks a lot it means alot to me for someone to say im doing a good job on it i hope my pop who worked on them when new likes it when he looks down on all of us

  19. thanks guys it makes me feel good that people who have done this think my truck looks good. i hope to have it at macungie next year.
  20. ok i finally got some pictures of the truck loaded some are from when i bought it and some are while i was working on it
  21. these are picture of my truck
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