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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Packer

  1. There is a differance between electronic injectors and manual fuel, as in linkage and electronic throttle. That was where I was headed. My mind is OK(?) - - - I just didn't say what I meant!!! Or thought I new for that matter!! I's hell to get old! Packer
  2. Hey Rob! I guess if money is no object, I could put a TRQ722 in, but that is a little overboard. LOL I do have what I think is all the right stuff for the switch, except pilot bearing and maybe clutch disc. Time will tell!!! You going to make the big show in Colorado? I'm working on the time off as we speak!! Packer
  3. The 'B' series Cummins is what they put in Dodge trucks for their diesel. Yes they are turbo'ed, and I THINK the manuel fuel system was good 'till about 1988. My 2004 has a 6 speed transmission but a 'baby quad' will bolt up to it, as per my guy-next-door Cummins rep. I've played around with both 4 and 6 cyl engines (the 4 cyl turbo'ed is about 125 hp and are used in delivery vans) As far as what to look for, a "Dodge Cummins" should get you going. My engine came with an auto and even though it ain't truckin' with only one stick, I'm going to try the auto, and if I don't like it, I'll put the quad box in. Buy the way, the 'EG' I have had a 150 horse gas flat head 6 engine. I don't think the springs would take a large 673, and that is part of the reason to go with the Cummins. One 'B' model will have a 170 hp and the other a 237 Maxidine. I like Mack drive trains, but the 'EG' will be like a large tired pick-up and shoe horning a bigger engine in is not what I'm after. You got the room, and the UPS 300 hp with an auto might make quite a ride!!! Packer
  4. How about a Cummins 'B' series (Dodge) with an automatic transmission? Get an older model with manual fuel, rather than electronic, and don't look back! The older engines are 180-200 hp and fuel consumption is 10+. That's what's going in my 'EG'. Done my home work (and own a 2004 Dodge) and for most playing around, this might work! Packer
  5. While on the subject, Any one got a fine spline yoke floating around? I'm in need of one! Garth (aka Packer)
  6. I'm still a ways from getting it done but I'll have both diff's out of my '48 sometime. Might be able to work some thing out. Getting my two speed rear and front axle sand blasted this week and after compleat inspection and rebuild, I'll slide them under and have some parts left over. Start gathering your plunder and we'll get a trade in the works! Packer
  7. HK, I was looking for a double overdrive to get max speed without changing the rear ends. that's why I only listed the two Quad boxes. Never thought to look at any tri-plex ratios. Paul, I'm on the same side of the state as Afton, but I'm on the South end and Afton is on the North end of Wyoming. My-son-the-lawyer has a lot for a summer cabin up there. Packer
  8. Paul, Wish I had my info in front of me but I don't! go to: http://www.oldmacksrus.com and look up all the transmissions. TRQ-720 TRQ-7210 These are the two transmissions with double overdrive. They are big! But what the hell?!? I didn't look at tri-plexes, just quads. Packer
  9. Just been puttering with a two speed (Mack) The vertical round thing is a D.C. motor that is hooked to a 'screw' that runs the low and high part of the diff. Should be two posts on the 'can' that the wires attach to. Just bought a rebuild kit for mine @ $48.00 for all the goodies. Packer
  10. Check in Tom G's (Fuzzy Buzzard) 'oldmacksrus'. He has listed all the gear ratios of all transmissions. Good info can be found in that web page, including parts for sale. I have a double overdrive '18 speed' Quad box that, if I remember right is .65:1. Forth-over is .85 and the next shift is to fifth-over at .85:1. Combined overdrive is .65. Under and direct are skipped. Packer
  11. The 'hot' wire on the ignition will power the relay, which in turn will power the fuse block. Small wire to the relay, larger wire to the fuse block. Don't forget the (as the English say)Earth wire from relay. Packer
  12. I wonder if some of the states that have "Rail Road Commisions" as compared to DOT'S, have anything to do with the hassel truckers get??? I was an O-O in 1974 when the first fuel crunch came about. 'Overdrive' put together a truck strike for O-O that worked somewhat. WE at least got a fuel sir-charge out of it. However the railroad got government subsidizing!!!!!! The railroad is the truckers competition - - - They get the goldmine truckers get the shaft! Been wanting to get this out for 33 years - - - maybe I'll sleep better at night now. Packer
  13. Speed, Back in the good ol' days(?) the Aux shifter was on the passenger side of the cab except on a Mack. Mack put it where it should have been(the one ya shift the most was close to you) while every one else put it on the wrong side! Remember that those RPM changes were 300 RPM - give or take - and not 1000 to 1500 RPM as a gas engine would be. That may be some of the problem trying to shift. Packer
  14. Speed, Never done it but how about 'youtube' to get the DVD in the system? Packer
  15. Scott, No such thing as a $150,000.00 house in Sweetwater county! $230,000.00 and up!!!! This boom in projected to last 10-15 years. Hope it does 'cause I'll make a bunch on my house and move to someplace warmer! One guy told me he was going to stick a snow shovel up-right in his pick-up truck and drive south. When someone asks what that thing is in his truck, that was where he was going to retire! Packer
  16. Block, last I heard, water truck drivers were making $100,000.00 a year, and home most nights! The company I work for in Colorado is being sold, with the date of ownership changing July 1,2007. If things are good I may stay. If things are bad, I'll be back in Wyoming, living in my house instead of a 32 ft. travel trailer, and working at the wrench turning thing, in one week!!! Pay for oil field mechanics is right now $28.00 -$32.00 per hour and 40-50-60 hour weeks. (They supply the truck) Overtime is almost mandatory, and health and 401 K are part of the package. If you'r looking, I'll try to run down some info on who's in the market. Packer
  17. Hey guts, I'll be down there the last Sunday of April and I;ll take a pair of coveralls! Scott, I think the ATHS Wyoming state rep is from your part of the world! And the gas and oil boom is back!!!! If you can turn a wrench or steer a truck (as compared to driving) and pass the whiz quiz, you can get a job! lot of work and d--m few people. In fact, Wyoming just passed half-a-million people in the whole state. and Rock Springs is gone from 25,000 to 45,000 people. Some christal ball gazers say 70,000 in the next 5 years. Buy-the-by I have heard of 14 people applying for a job and the guy that got the job was the only one that pass the pee test! Terry, I'll get back on my find, and let you know what I find out. Packer
  18. I didn't get a chance to look too close. The truck is parker at the back of a lot , it was a weekend and COLD! Next chance I get, I'll nose around a bit more. Packer
  19. Hey Berry! I may have this picture thing down! Here are the last 3 pics of the 'Unknown Mack' that I have. Packer
  20. I'm suprised I got the first picture to post! Yes it's an oil field truck. Got a set of gin poles on the back and at least one winch. Truck looks GOOD! I have no info on the truck but it is Grand Junction, CO (about 45 miles away) at what could be a Mack dealership. If I find out how to get more pictures to post, I'll sent more!! If interested, send me an email and I'll send more pics. I know how to do that!!! Packer
  21. Found this truck but have no idea what it is. Any help out there? Packer
  22. $3.099 in this little podunk town in Colorado. $2.76 over the hill on I-70 Packer
  23. Slow down Berry!!! My BMT fund is about broke!!! Better put me down for a visor. Packer
  24. I'm thinking that the spring brake was first built by Maxi-somebody-or- other, and not Mack truck. I also think that 'Maxi' is now the word used to denote any spring brake. I have been wrong before so anyone wants to prove me wrong - - - get-r-done!! I do know that brake cans come in differant sizes and that could account for the better fit. Packer
  25. Hey Berry, Am I in there?? Packer
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