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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Packer

  1. The Wyoming Game and Fish just opened a new sub-office in Cheyenne. The next time a tree hugger wants to see a wolf, the Game and Fish will send them one all expenses paid. They find that that is much cheaper that following the Federal guide lines for 'Managing' the wolf population in Wyoming, and also lowers the number of tree huggers that get these ideas and jam them down 'Our' necks. Wyoming coyote problem The Sierra Club and the U.S.. Forest Service were presenting an alternative to the Wyoming ranchers for controlling the coyote population. It seems that after years of the ranchers using the tried and true method of shooting or trapping the predators, the Sierra Club had a "more humane" solution to this issue. What they were proposing was for the animals to be captured alive. The males would then be castrated and let loose again. Therefore the population would be controlled by this method. This was ACTUALLY proposed by the Sierra Club and by the U. S. Forest Service. All of the ranchers thought about this amazing idea for a couple of minutes. Finally, an old fellow in the back of the conference room stood up, tipped his hat back and said; "Son, I don't think you understand our problem here", "These coyotes ain't f-----' our sheep - they're eatin' 'em!" You should have been there to hear the roar of laughter in that room. The meeting never really got back on track. Packer
  2. The Female Genie... While trying to escape through Pakistan, Osama Bin Laden found a bottle on the sand and picked it up.. Suddenly, a female genie rose from the bottle and with a smile said, "Master, may I grant you one wish?" Osama responded, "You ignorant, unworthy daughter-of-a-dog! Don't you know who I am? I don't need any common woman giving me anything." The shocked genie said, "Please, Master, I must grant you a wish or I will be returned to that bottle forever." Osama thought a moment, then grumbled about the impertinence of the woman and said, "Very well, I want to awaken with three American women in my bed in the morning. So just do it and be off with you. "The annoyed genie said, "So be it!" and disappeared.. The next morning Bin Laden woke up in bed with Lorena Bobbitt, Tonya Harding, and Nancy Pelosi at his side. His penis was gone, his knees were broken, and he had no health insurance. God is good. Packer
  3. There are things that one does with-out thinking. Never gave it much pondering 'til Herb mentioned to 'S' cam bushing. They are not 'press fit' but as he said, you will get some funky wear and breaking if they're worn. And $15.00 is cheap! Packer
  4. Good old #2 and "GOOD" rubber gloves?????? The new 'critus' (sp) water based isn't bad and is ECO proof. Not as good as stoddard but the tree huggers will love you!!!! Packer
  5. When I was at Mack in SLC, we did a bunch of liners (oversized) by boreing. The issue in the late '70's was the block 'Curing" out-of-round. The only way to repair them was to bore .010-.030 and even one at .040 Took two weeks or better to get those liners. Like the man said, for a toy, just hone and run. Packer
  6. As a point, I've always done (and have been told) that the bell housing should be .002 or less. Remember that the pilot bearing is the front bearing on the transmission input shaft. Perfect is just barely good enough!! Packer
  7. With very few exceptions, I've never had sutters on anything that was not a simple on/off valve. As my very old and un-relible mind tells me, the water temp opperates the valve. When the temp says open - - - the sutters open. As the temp drops, the sutters close. I've worked on some industeral applications that the sutters will be veriable, but trucks are open or closed. NOTE: I've seen these hooked up backwards, and will not work well, as one might guess!! SUTTERS SHOULD ALWAYS FAIL OPEN!!!!!!!! Packer
  8. Don't know why I can't seem to get an "L" in the first line - - - That's twice I've done that!!!! Packer
  9. Thought you guys might like a peek at my latested 'Finds'!! "L" Mack and 'White' gasser. The white has a knock, Bad bearing I was told The 'L' was good! Started and ran, with some blow-by. This is a truck that Rob found on Craiglist. Packer
  10. I've always been told that: A)Measure all the tires around, then match them within an inch. B)As Herb said, biggest on right hand front drivers Next biggest on right rear drivers Then left rear Smallest two tires on left front. That system worked for years, for me. Good mileage from tires with little scuffing or funky tire wear. Make sure the tire pressure is checked as you measure the tires. Somewhere, in a 'Operating Manual' I got from the Mack Museium, that's how it was discribed. Might have to take a look and find it again. Packer
  11. Always knew it could get cold enough to "Freeze the Balls off a Brass Monkey".......Didn't realize that it could get cold enough to "Make a Bronze Buffalo Pee" This was taken at the capital this week. The week of Christmas. (Only in Wyoming )
  12. Been trying to pass on this one but guess I'd better in my nickles worth! Seen 20 below for a week at a time - - - day time temp. Got really cold at night!!!! LOL 99.9% of the people say"Oh $--T!!!!" when they hit a slick spot. In Wyoming, we say "Hold my beer and watch this" Packer
  13. Bubbles in the radiator usually means bad head gaskets. I have had a bunch of experiance with a 'B-63' but this new fangled stuff - - - I not much help. Had another machanic in the S.L.C.,UT Mack dealership that got nicknamed 'Bubbles'. I thought he was going to own that truck, or at least marry it. Took him for ever to find the problem. That may not be what you want to hear!!! LOL Packer
  14. Hey, Paul!! I was a perfect gentileman!!!!! We went out for a bite to eat and talked a bit and that's it!!!!!!! She is really a neat lady and I had a great time. Here's the funny: I had talked to Wyodog (Josh) about "B"'s and yacked a bit then, without anything between mom and son, I met Mom. The chances of meeting mom and son with-in about 6 weeks time, and knowing who son was, is way out there as far as chances go!! So put your naughty thoughts away!!!! Packer
  15. Hey, Tony!!!! Better jump on the "H"'s Packer
  16. How about just swapping the drop-ins'?? Pretty fast swap and not much of a time comsuming job. Brakes are easy and cheap and if there is any question, replace the linings and seals while you're in there. As you are aware, I met your mom and she's a great gal!!! Tell her I said "Hi"~ Packer
  17. Bought a Henway Once. What's a Henway??? About 4 pounds!! Packer
  18. Hey Guys, I worked in trucks shops in the late '60's thru the '70's and fought the busted lug issue on Alum wheels, tearing my hair as I went along. Took a bit to work thru, but came up with a cure-all in the problem! The inner studs, the ones that are in the hub, come in differant lengths. IF you put ALUM wheels on studs the right length for STEEL wheels the only thing that carries the weight on the outer wheel is the inside nut, and they WILL break! Because of the much thicker ALUM wheel, the inner stud will not support the outer wheel. That's why they break the inner nut, and the out side wheel comes off Even the inner nuts for ALUM wheels are longer, to make up for the thicker wheel. So-o-o, check to make sure that the STUD extends thru BOTH wheels. At the time, Alum wheels were just comming into big time use, and because they were lighter, making for more payload, the big switch was on!! I replaced a lot of inner nuts and bought a pile of outer nuts. After the the problem was found and longer studs were installed, the issue went away! By the way - - - my hair never grew back!!!!!! LMAO Packer
  19. Now that someone has the pattern to build them, He would set a jig or two and make the rest of us happy as he is!!!! (Hint, Hint - - -) Come on Phantom, Help us out!!!!! Packer
  20. Maybe that old truck is an "NH"??? Packer
  21. I think this is an "N" model??? Found it in northern California. I drove it a bit - - - $3,500.00? Make your own deal!!! Packer
  22. Running in the '60s and '70s with 335 and 350 Cummins we ALWAYS carried a water pump and a set of belts. We would run 28 in fans in the winter and 32 in in the summer. This was before fan clutches or viscus fans. I think Phoenix is 3,200 feet and I know the top of the mountain in Flagstaff 7,800 feet. The big pull out of phoenix was "17 mile hill". It was the first half that was the bad part. (Memories, Memories - - - Can't put musical notes in here - - -Damn!) Anyway, I think the driver error was the problem. One thing - - - by the time you're hot, it's too late!!! You back out at the bottom, not half way up! Packer
  23. I've been all over the U.S. and ran from Salt Lake City to Phoenix, Ariz for years (Summer and Winter). The only thing you need to due is back off one gear and keep the R.P.M. up. Comming out of Phoenix in 110 degree heat, when you hit Black Canyon on I-40, you drop a gear (or two) and hang in there!!!! I don't remember how many trucks passed me on the way up - - - and how many trucks I passed at the top of the hill cooling off!! You can do it, just a little slower. Packer
  24. This is a long way but there is an F600 in the west side of Nebreska with a good titke but bad engine. Triplex. short two axle, BAD interior - - - $500.00 I was going to pick it up myself but ran into money issues (B-73 with 'L' cab WOO HOO!!) Can't get it till spring but something to think about. Paul VS wants a 'B' I have - - - that might be transportation??!!?? Packer
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