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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Packer

  1. The great state of Wyoming will allow 10 days grace on a bill-of-sale. Packer
  2. Yep! Just trying to keep things simple. Old guts know most of this stuff but some of the new guys may not. Didn't think to add that: "Mack designated models that could have vendor engines." Good point!!! And thanks Packer
  3. My B-73 has a Cummins.(1963) Looking at an RL 700 with 335 Cummins. (1971) Hauled a B-XX to B-61 Fred with a 220 Cummins (196X) Packer
  4. I use 80-85w gear lube or 50w motor oil. The motor oil I use for the first change. Seems the motor oil will clean up the trans on the inside. Loosens the crud and gunk that may be in there and then change it out. Ran 50w motor oil in KW's, Pete's and such as that was the recomended oil for Dana and Spicer transmissions. The issue with mineral oil added to gear oil, or gear to mineral oil is a 'Tar' type stuff that builds up. Transmission life is VERY short!!! The tar sticks to the case and not the gears and bearings. When you open the case up, all you'll find is all the pats in the bottom in itty-bitty pieces!!! Have heard but never done the following: Drain both cases Fill with diesel Put main in gear and aux. in netural Run engine at idol for up to 1/2 hour Drain Refill with 80-85w or 50w engine oil Run 2-5000 miles Change again and run for standard change life. This is for mineral to gear oil, or gear oil to mineral oil. 'OR' unknown to what you want back in. Packer
  5. That title is GOOD!!!! I'm still waiting for one or two to get titles on. I have a title for the '48 but my parts truck is just that!! Packer
  6. Mine came with a 150 horse 402 Mack flathead 6. Packer
  7. Maybe with the "New Health Care Plan" that is floating around, those "fertile" folks could be 'Fixed' after the second child is born under our tax paid insurance 'Reforms'!?!? Might do several things: Cut global warming Reduce carbon use Reduce world population Reduce CO2 - - - Lots of good things could happen!!! Packer
  8. Oops!!! Both were at the same place and I put what I thought was only the mack. Sorry guys - - - got carried away!!! This is REALLY the Mack! Packer
  9. That really does look like an 'E' grill and fenders!! Might be an 'A'??? Packer
  10. Two axle?? about 9,500 lbs Three axle?? About 13,000 Packer
  11. I hope 'Momma' dosen't check this forem from time to time!! What few parts you have left will go by-by!!!! (Boy, do I see an a$$ whoppin' in the near future)!!! Packer
  12. Watts Mack did have them at one time. I needed a set, and sent the only one I had as a sample. Someone, somewhere built some up and I got mine back and two sets. I swaped one set off and still have one - - - and only one. Damn!!! Give Barry a call!!! He may have a set on the shelf. As a note of interest, there were only 2,400 B-421's built. They were the cheapest of the B-42's built, and there are very few left. I got calls from all over asking if I really had a B-421 or was it a B-42?? Packer
  13. Look up: oldmacksrus.com Might give you some great info!!! (Thanks Tom)!!!!!!!! Packer
  14. Welcome!! And I reloaded those pictures for you!!! Under 1940 Pumper. Packer
  15. I'll try again!!! Packer
  16. I've got a 1942 "E" Mack I'm going to put a Cummins in with a 'baby' Quadraplex, or maybe a full size Quad box. Should get good milage and more power and torque than a gasser. hope to have it going this next year. I've got an 'E' that's stock and I want to have a big pick-up that I can hit highway speeds and pull my 35 foot 5th wheel. It's gotta be a Mack, at least on the hood! Packer
  17. I do have a low miles 672 (170-80 horse) and duplex, clutch, etc. Also may have a 237 horse and transmission. Let me know if I can help you out. I'll be in your area near Christmas - - - might hook up then! Packer (307)871-4577
  18. As in "Wyoming Dog"???? Can't be that many Wyoming's except that one in Michigan. Where you at?? Packer (In Green River) And that Cummins is a great motor! Should fit right in and lots of power.
  19. Got it out and boy, does it run!!!!! BUT - - - only 62mph in double overdrive!!!! Packer
  20. This from Maxine!!!! LMAO "BAIL THEM OUT!!! ?? Hell, back in 1990, the Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it.. They failed and it closed. Now, we are trusting the economy of our country, our banking system, our auto industry and possibly our health plans to the same nit-wits who couldn't make money running a whore house and selling whiskey?!" "What are we thinking??" Packer
  21. With that same front tire swap, I only change one at a time. Been there and done that! A good but Stupid friend was working on a 2 ton service truck. It needed a front brake change. Nearly lost his arm and did loose three months worth of work. I asked him if he had jack stands and he said yes but did not use them. "Just a brake job"! Had to jack the axle off his own arm with the other hand 'cause no one else was around. Then drive himself to the hospital!!! "JUST A BRAKE JOB"???????? Packer
  22. With few exceptions, this is the most fun I have all day (reading the new posts) Info is exceptional in most cases (and worth what you pay for it in others) All-in-all a great bunch, if one has thick skin! LOL Welcome and enjoy!! Packer
  23. I've got a Dodge 2500 w/ Cummins 'B' diesel. 6 speed trans. 22 miles per gallon highway. I've grossed over 30,000lbs and crossed the U.S. that way. Love that CUMMINS!!!!!!!!!!!! My '42 'EE' Mack will have a mechanical Cummins when I get it done. Will have a Mack Quad box behind. My '95 GMC Jimmy is maybe the second best vehical I ever owned. Good power, good milage, great comfort and still looks good. And guys - - - I got my first auto in 1964 Worst???? Brand new 1971 Ford 250 with 360 cid. and my last ford!!!! Now talking Trucks - - - GOTTA THINK MACK!!!!!!!!!! Packer
  24. Might pull the valve adjustment/lifter covers and see if there are valves stuck. Might have to get them working to roll the engine over. Packer
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