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Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by imhsar

  1. hey nice pic.. frm where didi u get this
  2. finally i heard something new .... nice story....
  3. Ya u r right... spending money for new one is wastage of money....
  4. first of all thanks for this news... i haven't know much about it... just tell me what is the difference between older one .. the new i have seen via you but what about old one. how was they and what are the modification in new one.
  5. hey it is sumthing different............ havent seen before...
  6. hey nice one! nice color !!!! lookin different .....
  7. "the rear goal post" which is the parts of pickup accessories - will it be attachable to any brand of trucks. is their size depend upon the size of trucks.....
  8. hey there is no view available in that ????? i wanna see your truck????
  9. dont try anything which can harm you.... and playing with fuel system is not right ..... again if leakage will start check it by the mechanic
  10. Is that lookin Little no one can say this.... but i think there is good use of mack trucks on beach.. dont you...
  11. why are you people always think bad ... how can be a President b wrong for his country... definitely he had thought some thing good ... he will definitely do some thing for truckers.......
  12. i think you should try here http://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/Mack_R_series this will help you
  13. good job !!!!!!!! have you loaded your video..... or even trying some more inventions with your trucks. just attach all these photos i wanna to watch it
  14. Yes of course its looking like it but more than that.... i would prefer to eat it.... hahahaha Apart from that The Mack Titan is a heavy duty truck produced by Mack Trucks Australia. It was first introduced in 1995 as Mack's answer for the heavy road train operators of Australia. The Titan can haul loads up to 200 tonnes GCM and comes with many heavy duty options not found on highway trucks
  15. they are good there are so many varieties in that... i have seen there photo album also... all models are good .. i m thinkin to buy it..... can you give me the locations where i can buy it.. near by Fresno........
  16. do they deal online.. or just physically we have to arrange the meeting.. did they deal with small companies or what will be suitable thing we can do.
  17. ooh i missed it I wish i'd known too.... plz tell me next time, i will surely go... actually that time i was busy with my family can we come with family hang out.....
  18. My Chevy trucks looks like king on road ... i love my truck .. wanna to show the pics but cant able coz of sum reasons... when i will get a chance, i will definitely attach my truck's pics..
  19. Great show.......... this was my second time ........ my eyes were continued watchin that show e1 i wanna also b part of that... next time i will come wid my family it will b great reunion for us... those who came wid their family had enjoyed it alot........
  20. Mack trucks are really very good, even used trucks is also giving the good response, so better to think about other just go for Mack trucks, they are really worthy..... i will personally prefer to buy it .... even have own good experience........
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